Meaning of 'guna2'

n a quality, a property, a character istic (drabyaguna); a good quality, a virtue, a merit, excellence (gunamugdha); (ridi.) a bad or mischievous quality or practice, a vice, a demerit (gune ghata nei); a good effect or action (siksara guna, osudhera guna); an effect or action; (ridi.) an evil result or action (mithyara guna); an influence (sangaguna); an evil influence; power, competency, efficacy (loka basa karara guna); (sc.) a natural quality or prop erty; (phil.) any of the three primordial qualities in living beings (sattbaguna = goodness; rajoguna = passion or spiritedness; tamoguna = darkness); oc cult power, charm, sorcery, exorcism (ojha guna jane); (rhet.) any of the qualities constituting the excellence of a literary composition (ojhguna = vigour, madhuryaguna = elegance, prasadaguna = lucidity); (math.) multiplication; (math.) one of a number of multiplied instances, so many times (pan̐ca-du-gune dasa); a bowstring; a string, a thread ('gan̐the bidya gune'); a towline, a tow rope. guna kara v. to multiply; to allure or charm or influence or control by sor cery, to bewitch, to cast a spell over. guna gaoẏa v. to sing in praise of; to praise, to laud, to eulogize, to speak highly of. guna tana v. to tow. guna paoẏa v. to be benefited by the good action or influence (of); to find a virtue (in). ka n. a multiplier, multiplicator; a factor. □ a. that which multiplies, multiply ing, multiplicating. gunakanirnaẏa n. factor ization. karaka a. that which multi plies, multiplying, multiplicating; ben eficial; productive of good, effica cious. kirtana, gana n. act of singing in praise of; act of praising, laudation; publicity of one's good qualities. gunakirtana kara, gunagana kara v. to sing in praise of; to praise, to laud; to circulate the good qualities of. garima, gauraba n. value or glory of one's good qualities or virtues. grahana n. appreciation of one's good qualities or virtues. gunagrahana kara v. to appreciate the good qualities or virtues of. grama n. pl. good qualities or virtues. grahita n. appreciation of others' good qualities or virtues. grahi a. one who appreciates the good quali ties or virtues of others. fem. grahini . jna a. conscious or appreciative of the good qualities or virtues of others. jnata n. consciousness about or appre ciation of the good qualities or virtues of others. traẏa n. pl. (phil.) the three primordial qualities in living beings (namely, sattbaguna, rajoguna, tamoguna)dhara a. full of good qualities or parts; (ridi.) full of vices or demerits. dhama, nidhi n. a man richly endowed with good quali ties or parts. na n. (math.) multiplica tion. niẏa a. (math.) that which is to be or may be multiplied (by). □ n. a mul tiplicand. niẏaka n. (math.) a factor, a measure; (math.) a multiplicand. garistha sadharana gunaniẏaka see garistha . pana n. skill; good qualities; attainment, accom plishment. phala n. (math.) a product (of multiplication). batta n. possession of good qualities or parts or merits. barnana, barnana n. description or account of one's good qualities or merits. guna barnana kara v. to describe the good quali ties or merits (of), to give an account of one's good qualities or merits. bacaka a. expressing the good qualities or merits of; (fig.) adjectival, attributive; (log.) connotative. bada n. praise, lau dation. bada kara v. to praise, to laud. bana a. possessing good qualities or parts. fem. bati . bana purusa a man of qualities or parts. byksa n. a mast. baisamya n. dissimilarity or disparity of qualities or virtues or properties; com bination or mixture of contrary quali ties or virtues or properties. mani n. a man possesed of the noblest qualities or the highest excellence. maẏa same as bana fem. maẏi . mugdha a. fascinated by one's good qualities or virtues or mer its. fem. mugdha . mugdha byakti n. (masc. & fem.) an admirer. ˜yukta a. having good qualities or virtues or merits; having a (particular) quality or property. sali same as bana . fem. salini . salita same as batta . sunya a. having no good quality or virtue or merit; lacking in a (particular) quality or property. sampanna same as yukta fem. sampanna . sagara same as nidhi . hina a. destitute of good qualities or merits or parts. fem. hina .

Meaning of গুণ2

n a quality, a property, a character istic (দ্রব্যগুণ); a good quality, a virtue, a merit, excellence (গুণমুগ্ধ); (ridi.) a bad or mischievous quality or practice, a vice, a demerit (গুণে ঘাট নেই); a good effect or action (শিক্ষার গুণ, ওষুধের গুণ); an effect or action; (ridi.) an evil result or action (মিথ্যার গুণ); an influence (সঙ্গগুণ); an evil influence; power, competency, efficacy (লোক বশ করার গুণ); (sc.) a natural quality or prop erty; (phil.) any of the three primordial qualities in living beings (সত্ত্বগুণ = goodness; রজোগুণ = passion or spiritedness; তমোগুণ = darkness); oc cult power, charm, sorcery, exorcism (ওঝা গুণ জানে); (rhet.) any of the qualities constituting the excellence of a literary composition (ওজঃগুণ = vigour, মাধুর্যগুণ = elegance, প্রসাদগুণ = lucidity); (math.) multiplication; (math.) one of a number of multiplied instances, so many times (পাঁচ-দু-গুণে দশ); a bowstring; a string, a thread ('গাঁথে বিদ্যা গুণে'); a towline, a tow rope. গুণ করা v. to multiply; to allure or charm or influence or control by sor cery, to bewitch, to cast a spell over. গুণ গাওয়া v. to sing in praise of; to praise, to laud, to eulogize, to speak highly of. গুণ টানা v. to tow. গুণ পাওয়া v. to be benefited by the good action or influence (of); to find a virtue (in). ̃ক n. a multiplier, multiplicator; a factor. ☐ a. that which multiplies, multiply ing, multiplicating. গুণকনির্ণয় n. factor ization. ̃কারক a. that which multi plies, multiplying, multiplicating; ben eficial; productive of good, effica cious. ̃কীর্তন, ̃গান n. act of singing in praise of; act of praising, laudation; publicity of one's good qualities. গুণকীর্তন করা, গুণগান করা v. to sing in praise of; to praise, to laud; to circulate the good qualities of. ̃গরিমা, ̃গৌরব n. value or glory of one's good qualities or virtues. ̃গ্রহণ n. appreciation of one's good qualities or virtues. গুণগ্রহণ করা v. to appreciate the good qualities or virtues of. ̃গ্রাম n. pl. good qualities or virtues. ̃গ্রাহিতা n. appreciation of others' good qualities or virtues. ̃গ্রাহী a. one who appreciates the good quali ties or virtues of others. fem. ̃গ্রাহিণী । ̃জ্ঞ a. conscious or appreciative of the good qualities or virtues of others. ̃জ্ঞতা n. consciousness about or appre ciation of the good qualities or virtues of others. ̃ত্রয় n. pl. (phil.) the three primordial qualities in living beings (namely, সত্ত্বগুণ, রজোগুণ, তমোগুণ)̃ধর a. full of good qualities or parts; (ridi.) full of vices or demerits. ̃ধাম, ̃নিধি n. a man richly endowed with good quali ties or parts. ̃ন n. (math.) multiplica tion. ̃নীয় a. (math.) that which is to be or may be multiplied (by). ☐ n. a mul tiplicand. ̃নীয়ক n. (math.) a factor, a measure; (math.) a multiplicand. গরিষ্ঠ সাধারণ গুণনীয়ক see গরিষ্ঠ । ̃পনা n. skill; good qualities; attainment, accom plishment. ̃ফল n. (math.) a product (of multiplication). ̃বত্তা n. possession of good qualities or parts or merits. ̃বর্ণন, ̃বর্ণনা n. description or account of one's good qualities or merits. গুণ বর্ণনা করা v. to describe the good quali ties or merits (of), to give an account of one's good qualities or merits. ̃বাচক a. expressing the good qualities or merits of; (fig.) adjectival, attributive; (log.) connotative. ̃বাদ n. praise, lau dation. ̃বাদ করা v. to praise, to laud. ̃বান a. possessing good qualities or parts. fem. ̃বতী । বান পুরুষ a man of qualities or parts. ̃বৃক্ষ n. a mast. ̃বৈষম্য n. dissimilarity or disparity of qualities or virtues or properties; com bination or mixture of contrary quali ties or virtues or properties. ̃মণি n. a man possesed of the noblest qualities or the highest excellence. ̃ময় same as ̃বান fem. ̃ময়ী । ̃মুগ্ধ a. fascinated by one's good qualities or virtues or mer its. fem. ̃মুগ্ধা । ̃মুগ্ধ ব্যক্তি n. (masc. & fem.) an admirer. ˜যুক্ত a. having good qualities or virtues or merits; having a (particular) quality or property. ̃শালী same as ̃বান । fem. ̃শালিনী । ̃শালিতা same as ̃বত্তা । ̃শূন্য a. having no good quality or virtue or merit; lacking in a (particular) quality or property. ̃সম্পন্ন same as ̃যুক্ত fem. ̃সম্পন্না । ̃সাগর same as ̃নিধি । ̃হীন a. destitute of good qualities or merits or parts. fem. ̃হীনা ।

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