Meaning of 'had়'

n bone. □ a. (used as a pfx.) to the bones, inveterate, utter. had় kali kara v. (fig.) to exhaust or exasperate utterly (with toil or affliction); (fig.) to beat black and blue. had় gun̐d়o kara ba curna kara v. (fig.) to beat soundly, to belabour. had় jud়ano v. (fig.) to relieve or to feel relieved. had় jbalano v. (fig.) to trouble or pester in the extreme. had় bhana, had়masa alada kara same as had় gun̐d়o kara . had়e batasa laga v. (fig.) to feel re lieved. had়e-mase jad়ano v. (fig.) to be inseparably connected. katha, kata variants of had়ikatha . kypana a. extremely miserly or niggardly; close-fisted. had়kypana loka a skinflint. gila, (coll.) gile n. the adjutant stork, the argala; (fig.) a long-necked long-legged thin person, (cp.) a bag of bones. god় n. bones and ribs. jirajire a. (fig.) re duced to a skeleton, skinny. jbalane a. (fig.) troubling or pestering in the ex treme. paka a. (fig.) precocious to the bones. paji, bajjata, badamasa a. wicked to the bones. bhana a. (fig.) ex tremely toilsome or fatiguing, ex tremely strenuous. hadda n. all particulars or information. habhate adv. ut terly indigent or wretched. had়e had়e adv. to the bones.

Meaning of হাড়

n bone. ☐ a. (used as a pfx.) to the bones, inveterate, utter. হাড় কালি করা v. (fig.) to exhaust or exasperate utterly (with toil or affliction); (fig.) to beat black and blue. হাড় গুঁড়ো করা বা চূর্ণ করা v. (fig.) to beat soundly, to belabour. হাড় জুড়ানো v. (fig.) to relieve or to feel relieved. হাড় জ্বালানো v. (fig.) to trouble or pester in the extreme. হাড় ভাঙা, হাড়মাস আলাদা করা same as হাড় গুঁড়ো করা । হাড়ে বাতাস লাগা v. (fig.) to feel re lieved. হাড়ে-মাসে জড়ানো v. (fig.) to be inseparably connected. ̃কাঠ, ̃কাট variants of হাড়িকাঠ । ̃কৃপণ a. extremely miserly or niggardly; close-fisted. হাড়কৃপণ লোক a skinflint. ̃গিলা, (coll.) ̃গিলে n. the adjutant stork, the argala; (fig.) a long-necked long-legged thin person, (cp.) a bag of bones. ̃গোড় n. bones and ribs. ̃জিরজিরে a. (fig.) re duced to a skeleton, skinny. ̃জ্বালানে a. (fig.) troubling or pestering in the ex treme. ̃পাকা a. (fig.) precocious to the bones. ̃পাজি, ̃বজ্জাত, ̃বদমাশ a. wicked to the bones. ̃ভাঙা a. (fig.) ex tremely toilsome or fatiguing, ex tremely strenuous. ̃হদ্দ n. all particulars or information. ̃হাভাতে adv. ut terly indigent or wretched. হাড়ে হাড়ে adv. to the bones.

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