Meaning of 'daṃstra'

n a tooth (esp. a large or sharp one). draṃstra n. a claw or prong or fang (as of a crab or a lobster); a large (and usu. sharp) tooth (as of a dog or a fox); a sting (as of a mosquito or a gadfly). draṃstraghata n. a bite or a sting. draṃstraẏudha n. a wild boar. draṃstrala, draṃstri a. having a claw or prong or fang or tooth or sting, clawed, pronged, fanged, toothed, stinged.

Meaning of দংষ্ট্র

n a tooth (esp. a large or sharp one). দ্রংষ্ট্রা n. a claw or prong or fang (as of a crab or a lobster); a large (and usu. sharp) tooth (as of a dog or a fox); a sting (as of a mosquito or a gadfly). দ্রংষ্ট্রাঘাত n. a bite or a sting. দ্রংষ্ট্রায়ুধ n. a wild boar. দ্রংষ্ট্রাল, দ্রংষ্ট্রী a. having a claw or prong or fang or tooth or sting, clawed, pronged, fanged, toothed, stinged.

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