Meaning of 'duba'

n a plunge into water, liquid, air etc.; a dive, a dip; immersion; ablution. duba deoẏa, duba mara v. to dive, to dip, to plunge; to sink; to go in hiding (corata duba diẏeche). duba pad়a v. to dive or dip re peatedly. dubana n. act of diving or dip ping; immersion; ablution; submer sion; act of sinking. jala n. a mass of water as will drown a person standing erect on his feet. nta a. one who or that which is sinking or setting; drowning, sinking. ri var. of uri .

Meaning of ডুব

n a plunge into water, liquid, air etc.; a dive, a dip; immersion; ablution. ডুব দেওয়া, ডুব মারা v. to dive, to dip, to plunge; to sink; to go in hiding (চোরটা ডুব দিয়েছে). ডুব পাড়া v. to dive or dip re peatedly. ডুবন n. act of diving or dip ping; immersion; ablution; submer sion; act of sinking. ̃জল n. a mass of water as will drown a person standing erect on his feet. ̃ন্ত a. one who or that which is sinking or setting; drowning, sinking. রি var. of ুরি ।

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