Meaning of 'jamano'

v to lay or put by, to save up; to hoard; to amass, to accumulate; to cause to assemble, to gather; to freeze, to congeal, to coagulate; to crowd and fill with enthusiasm (sabha jamano); to make interesting, to arrest attention (gana jamano). □ a. saved up; amassed, accumulated; frozen, congealed, co agulated.

Meaning of জমানো

v to lay or put by, to save up; to hoard; to amass, to accumulate; to cause to assemble, to gather; to freeze, to congeal, to coagulate; to crowd and fill with enthusiasm (সভা জমানো); to make interesting, to arrest attention (গান জমানো). ☐ a. saved up; amassed, accumulated; frozen, congealed, co agulated.

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