Meaning of 'jababa'

n an answer, a reply, a response; an explanation; (in law) a rejoinder (soẏala-jababa), a retort (mukhera mato jababa); dismissal (cakari theke jababa). jababa kara v. to reply, to respond; to re tort, to answer back. jababa caoẏa v. to call for an explanation; to ask for a re ply. jababa deoẏa v. to answer, to reply, to respond; to explain, to submit an ex planation; to rejoin, to submit a rejoin der; to retort; to dismiss. dihi n. an explanation; liability to explain. jababadihi kara v. to give an explanation; to account for. jababi a. said in reply; said or done in reply (jababi hamala).

Meaning of জবাব

n an answer, a reply, a response; an explanation; (in law) a rejoinder (সওয়াল-জবাব), a retort (মুখের মতো জবাব); dismissal (চাকরি থেকে জবাব). জবাব করা v. to reply, to respond; to re tort, to answer back. জবাব চাওয়া v. to call for an explanation; to ask for a re ply. জবাব দেওয়া v. to answer, to reply, to respond; to explain, to submit an ex planation; to rejoin, to submit a rejoin der; to retort; to dismiss. ̃দিহি n. an explanation; liability to explain. জবাবদিহি করা v. to give an explanation; to account for. জবাবি a. said in reply; said or done in reply (জবাবি হামলা).

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