Meaning of 'ghan̐ta2'

v to stir; to beat, to whisk away, to move about; to rummage (kagajapatra ghan̐ta); to mix up (sutogulo ba masalagulo se ghen̐te pheleche). □ a. stirred; moved about, handled; mixed up. ghan̐ti n. act of stirring or rummaging or handling repeatedly or continuously. ghan̐ti kara v. to stir or handle repeatedly or con fusedly. no v. to cause to stir; to vex, to irritate, to annoy; to disturb; to agi tate.

Meaning of ঘাঁটা2

v to stir; to beat, to whisk away, to move about; to rummage (কাগজপত্র ঘাঁটা); to mix up (সুতোগুলো বা মশলাগুলো সে ঘেঁটে ফেলেছে). ☐ a. stirred; moved about, handled; mixed up. ̃ঘাঁটি n. act of stirring or rummaging or handling repeatedly or continuously. ̃ঘাঁটি করা v. to stir or handle repeatedly or con fusedly. ̃নো v. to cause to stir; to vex, to irritate, to annoy; to disturb; to agi tate.

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