Meaning of 'gada3, gadi'

n a heap, a pile; a stack (khad়era gada); a crowd, a swarm. gada gada a. in heaps, heaps of, in large quantities. gadagadi n. (act of) crowding or hud dling; state of being crowded. gadagadi kara v. to crowd; to huddle. gadano v. to pile, to heap, to crowd.

Meaning of গাদা3, গাদি

n a heap, a pile; a stack (খড়ের গাদা); a crowd, a swarm. গাদা গাদা a. in heaps, heaps of, in large quantities. গাদাগাদি n. (act of) crowding or hud dling; state of being crowded. গাদাগাদি করা v. to crowd; to huddle. গাদানো v. to pile, to heap, to crowd.

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