Meaning of 'gala2'

n the throat; the neck; the Adam's apple; voice (tara gala pacchi, ganera gala); strength of voice (kheẏala gaite hale gala thaka cai) gala kata). gala v. to cut one's throat. gala capa v. to restrain one's voice; to throttle. gala chad়a v. to remove restraint from one's voice (whilst singing, lamenting, calling etc.) gala tepa v. to throttle. gala tipale dudha beroẏa (lit.—of a person) so young that milk comes out of the mouth when the throat is pressed; (fig.) very young or inexperienced (cp. greenhorn). gala dhara, gala basa, gala bhana v. to be hoarse. galaẏa gatha same as n̐galaẏa pad়a . galaẏa dad়i (in curses) damn! hang! galaẏa pad়a v. to come upon one as an undesirable bur den. galaẏa laga v. to feel an uneasy sen sation or pain in the throat, to have choking in the throat preventing easy passage of food; to cause irritation or inflammation of the larynx. galara kan̐ta a fishbone stuck in one's throat; (fig.) a bothersome burden. galara jora strength of voice. galara thali (anat.) the pouch in the gullet or the crop. galara byatha throat-pain, inflammation of the throat, throatsore, quinsy. ekagala, gala paryalta a. reaching up to the neck, reaching up to the chin. bhari gala grave or deep voice. kata a. exorbitant, cut-throat (price etc.) (galakata dama). □ n. one who de mands an exorbitant price (cp. a cut throat). khan̐kari n. act of clearing one's throat noisily, act of hawking. galakhan̐kari deoẏa v. to hawk. gala khusakhusuni n. itching sensation in the throat. gali a. very intimate; close; matey; bosom; side by side. □ adv. very intimately; closely; cheek by jowl. □ n. close inti macy; closeness. gali kara v. to be in timate with; to make free with; to hug. galadhhkarana n. act of swallowing or gulp ing; act of eating or drinking. galadhhkarana kara v. to swallow, to gulp; to eat or drink; (fig.) to brook, to endure (apamana galadhhkarana kara). dhakka n. catching by the neck and driving one out. galadhakka deoẏa v. to catch by the neck and drive one out. bandha n. a neckerchief; a com forter; muffler. baji n. shouting (usu. continuous); (ridi.) oration; bragging; bullying. galabaji kara v. to shout (usu. continuously); (ridi.) to deliver a lec ture, to harangue; to brag; to bully. galabaji kare jeta to shout others down. galaẏa galaẏa a. very close, intimate, hand in glove (galaẏa galaẏa bhaba). □ adv. neck and neck, side by side; up to the throat; up to the brim; very closely, inti mately.

Meaning of গলা2

n the throat; the neck; the Adam's apple; voice (তার গলা পাচ্ছি, গানের গলা); strength of voice (খেয়াল গাইতে হলে গলা থাকা চাই) গলা কাটা). গলা v. to cut one's throat. গলা চাপা v. to restrain one's voice; to throttle. গলা ছাড়া v. to remove restraint from one's voice (whilst singing, lamenting, calling etc.) গলা টেপা v. to throttle. গলা টিপলে দুধ বেরোয় (lit.—of a person) so young that milk comes out of the mouth when the throat is pressed; (fig.) very young or inexperienced (cp. greenhorn). গলা ধরা, গলা বসা, গলা ভাঙা v. to be hoarse. গলায় গাথাঁ same as গলায় পড়া । গলায় দড়ি (in curses) damn! hang! গলায় পড়া v. to come upon one as an undesirable bur den. গলায় লাগা v. to feel an uneasy sen sation or pain in the throat, to have choking in the throat preventing easy passage of food; to cause irritation or inflammation of the larynx. গলার কাঁটা a fishbone stuck in one's throat; (fig.) a bothersome burden. গলার জোর strength of voice. গলার থলি (anat.) the pouch in the gullet or the crop. গলার ব্যথা throat-pain, inflammation of the throat, throatsore, quinsy. একগলা, গলা পর্যল্ত a. reaching up to the neck, reaching up to the chin. ভারী গলা grave or deep voice. ̃কাটা a. exorbitant, cut-throat (price etc.) (গলাকাটা দাম). ☐ n. one who de mands an exorbitant price (cp. a cut throat). ̃খাঁকারি n. act of clearing one's throat noisily, act of hawking. গলাখাঁকারি দেওয়া v. to hawk. গলা খুসখুসুনি n. itching sensation in the throat. ̃গলি a. very intimate; close; matey; bosom; side by side. ☐ adv. very intimately; closely; cheek by jowl. ☐ n. close inti macy; closeness. ̃গলি করা v. to be in timate with; to make free with; to hug. গলাধঃকরণ n. act of swallowing or gulp ing; act of eating or drinking. গলাধঃকরণ করা v. to swallow, to gulp; to eat or drink; (fig.) to brook, to endure (অপমান গলাধঃকরণ করা). ̃ধাক্কা n. catching by the neck and driving one out. গলাধাক্কা দেওয়া v. to catch by the neck and drive one out. ̃বন্ধ n. a neckerchief; a com forter; muffler. ̃বাজি n. shouting (usu. continuous); (ridi.) oration; bragging; bullying. গলাবাজি করা v. to shout (usu. continuously); (ridi.) to deliver a lec ture, to harangue; to brag; to bully. গলাবাজি করে জেতা to shout others down. গলায় গলায় a. very close, intimate, hand in glove (গলায় গলায় ভাব). ☐ adv. neck and neck, side by side; up to the throat; up to the brim; very closely, inti mately.

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