Meaning of 'ganda'

n the cheek; any morbid fleshy growth on the body, a tumour, a boil (galaganda); a gland (gandamala); any mas sive thing (gandasaila). □ a. large and im portant. kupa n. a dimple on the cheek; a valley. grama n. a large popu lous village; a remote village. desa, phalaka n. the cheek. mala n. mumps; scrofula. murkha a. utterly ignorant or il literate; utterly stupid. gandasila n. a boulder. gandasaila n. a volcanic rock. shala n. the cheek.

Meaning of গণ্ড

n the cheek; any morbid fleshy growth on the body, a tumour, a boil (গলগণ্ড); a gland (গণ্ডমালা); any mas sive thing (গণ্ডশৈল). ☐ a. large and im portant. ̃কূপ n. a dimple on the cheek; a valley. ̃গ্রাম n. a large popu lous village; a remote village. ̃দেশ, ̃ফলক n. the cheek. ̃মালা n. mumps; scrofula. ̃মূর্খ a. utterly ignorant or il literate; utterly stupid. গণ্ডশিলা n. a boulder. গণ্ডশৈল n. a volcanic rock. ̃স্হল n. the cheek.

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