Meaning of 'kalapahad়'

n (hist.) a Brahmin who after embracing Islam was turned into a no torious iconoclast; (fig.) an awful reli gious renegade, a decrier of current be liefs, a turbulent heretic. kalapahad়i a. of or like an awful religious renegade or a decrier of current beliefs; hereti cal. □ n. iconoclasm; heresy.

Meaning of কালাপাহাড়

n (hist.) a Brahmin who after embracing Islam was turned into a no torious iconoclast; (fig.) an awful reli gious renegade, a decrier of current be liefs, a turbulent heretic. কালাপাহাড়ি a. of or like an awful religious renegade or a decrier of current beliefs; hereti cal. ☐ n. iconoclasm; heresy.

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