Meaning of 'kalpana'

n act of inventing or imagining or fancying or ascribing or resolving or thinking or supposing. kalpana n. inven tion; imagination; fancy; ascription; re solve; thought; supposition. kalpana kara v. to invent; to devise; to imagine; to fancy; to ascribe; to resolve; to think; to suppose. kalpanakari a. inventing or devising; imagining; fancying; ascrib ing; resolving; thinking; supposing. □ n. an inventor, a deviser; one who imagines; a fancier; one who ascribes; one who resolves, a thinker; one who supposes. kalpanacitra n. picturesque imagination; an imaginary portrait. kalpanatmaka a. actuated by or existing in imagination, imaginative, imaginary. kalpanaprabana a. given to imagination. kalpanaprabana byakti an imaginative person. kalpanaprasuta a. imaginary; fancied. kalpanabilasi a. overindulging in imagi nation; vapoury. kalpanasakti n. imagina tive power, faculty of imagination. kalpaniẏa a. devisable; imaginable; that which can be fancied; ascribable; thinkable; supposable.

Meaning of কল্পন

n act of inventing or imagining or fancying or ascribing or resolving or thinking or supposing. কল্পনা n. inven tion; imagination; fancy; ascription; re solve; thought; supposition. কল্পনা করা v. to invent; to devise; to imagine; to fancy; to ascribe; to resolve; to think; to suppose. কল্পনাকারী a. inventing or devising; imagining; fancying; ascrib ing; resolving; thinking; supposing. ☐ n. an inventor, a deviser; one who imagines; a fancier; one who ascribes; one who resolves, a thinker; one who supposes. কল্পনাচিত্র n. picturesque imagination; an imaginary portrait. কল্পনাত্মক a. actuated by or existing in imagination, imaginative, imaginary. কল্পনাপ্রবণ a. given to imagination. কল্পণাপ্রবণ ব্যক্তি an imaginative person. কল্পনাপ্রসূত a. imaginary; fancied. কল্পনাবিলাসী a. overindulging in imagi nation; vapoury. কল্পনাশক্তি n. imagina tive power, faculty of imagination. কল্পনীয় a. devisable; imaginable; that which can be fancied; ascribable; thinkable; supposable.

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