Meaning of 'ostha'

n (lit.) the upper lip; any of the lips. pallaba n. lips as attractive and soft as young shoots. puta n. a cavity formed by contracting both the lips. brana n. a boil on the lip. osthakara a. shaped like lips; (bot.) labiate. osthagata a. that which has neared the lips in order to come out. osthagataprana a. about to die; ex tremely embarrassed or peeved or irri tated. osthadhara n. pl. the two lips-upper and lower. osthya a. (gr.) pronounced by the lips, labial. □ n. (gr.) a labial letter.

Meaning of ওষ্ঠ

n (lit.) the upper lip; any of the lips. ̃পল্লব n. lips as attractive and soft as young shoots. ̃পুট n. a cavity formed by contracting both the lips. ̃ব্রণ n. a boil on the lip. ওষ্ঠাকার a. shaped like lips; (bot.) labiate. ওষ্ঠাগত a. that which has neared the lips in order to come out. ওষ্ঠাগতপ্রাণ a. about to die; ex tremely embarrassed or peeved or irri tated. ওষ্ঠাধর n. pl. the two lips-upper and lower. ওষ্ঠ্য a. (gr.) pronounced by the lips, labial. ☐ n. (gr.) a labial letter.

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