Meaning of 'elo'

a dishevelled, ruffed (elo cula); hanging loosely (elo khom̐pa); incoher ent or irrelevant, haphazard (elo katha); unrestrained (elo rasa); disor derly (elo batasa). kesi n. fem. a woman with unkempt hair; an appella tion of Goddess Kali (kali). thelo. a. untied, untrimmed; unkempt, un dressed; dishevelled. patad়i, dhabad়i a. without measure; unrestrained; un systematic; haphazard; disorderly; con tinuous. □ adv. without measure; with out restraint; unsystematically; haphaz ardly; in a disorderly manner; continu ously. elopatad়i mara a beating or drub bing without measure, a thrashing. elopatad়i lad়ai a scuffle, a confused fight. melo a. dishevelled, ruffled; incoherent or irrelevant; disorderly; desultory. elomelo bala v. to talk inco herently or irrelevantly.

Meaning of এলো

a dishevelled, ruffed (এলো চুল); hanging loosely (এলো খোঁপা); incoher ent or irrelevant, haphazard (এলো কথা); unrestrained (এলো রাশ); disor derly (এলো বাতাস). ̃কেশী n. fem. a woman with unkempt hair; an appella tion of Goddess Kali (কালী). ̃থেলো. a. untied, untrimmed; unkempt, un dressed; dishevelled. ̃পাতাড়ি, ̃ধাবাড়ি a. without measure; unrestrained; un systematic; haphazard; disorderly; con tinuous. ☐ adv. without measure; with out restraint; unsystematically; haphaz ardly; in a disorderly manner; continu ously. এলোপাতাড়ি মার a beating or drub bing without measure, a thrashing. এলোপাতাড়ি লড়াই a scuffle, a confused fight. ̃মেলো a. dishevelled, ruffled; incoherent or irrelevant; disorderly; desultory. এলোমেলো বলা v. to talk inco herently or irrelevantly.

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