Meaning of 'eka'

a. & n one. □ n. & pro. one or single person or individual (dēsoddhara ekera kaja naẏa). □ a. only one; a certain (ekasamaẏa); completely full or filled or packed or covered (ekabad়i loka, ekamukha dad়i); same, one and the same (eka maẏera santana); united ('yata bhai bona eka huka '); amalgamated; joined (dui hata eka kara); mixed (caledale eka kara); one and only one (isbara eka o abhinna); one of a number, a (rabindranatha bisbera eka srestha kabi); unchanging, fixed (sei eka go, m̐bhadralokera eka katha); concentrated ((ekamane). adha a. a few; sparse; scanty; rare. eka an̐cad়e see an̐cad় . eki a. same; very same, one and the same. eka-eka a. some, one by one (eka-eka kare), certain (eka-eka dina). ekaka a. alone, unaccompanied. □ n. the first figure from the right of an arithmetical number; (math.) a unit. ekakad়a see kad়a . kana n. very little, a very small amount. kathaẏa in a word. kalami n. a columnist who writes only one column of a newspaper. kata, katta pop. var. of ekatta . kalina a. done or to be done only once, given or to be given only once, at a time; simultaneous; contem porary. ekakalina anudana a lump grant, non-recurring grant. kale adv. at one time, once upon a time; at one and the same time, simultaneously. kan̐d়i a. a lot of, a heap of. kendrika, kendri, kendriẏa a. concentric. ganga a. filled or full to the brim, full, replete (ekaganga jala). garbhapatri n. monocarpellary. gala a. up to the throat or chin. -ga a. cov ering the whole of the body (eka-ga gaẏana, eka-ga khosa). gada a. a heap of; a great number or collection of (ekagada loka). gala a. a mouthful of. □ n. a mouthful. gum̐ẏe a. obstinate, obdurate, stubborn; wilful, wayward; disobedi ent, indocile; indomitable. gum̐ẏemi n. obstinacy; wilfulness, waywardness; disobedience, indocility, stubbornness, indomitableness. ghare a. ostracized; cast out of society. ekaghare byakti an out cast. ghata a. linear. ghata samikarana a lin ear equation. gheẏe a. monotonous; hackneyed. gheẏemi n. monotony; hackneyedness. catbariṃsa a. forty-first. catbariṃsat a. & n. forty-one. ˜catbariṃsattama a. forty-first. fem. catbariṃsattami . cara a. moving alone (cp. segregarious); shunning company. callisa a. & n. forty-one. ˜cala a. having only one slanting roof. □ n. such a hut or shed. citta a. absorbedly attentive, intent, concen trated. cula a. hairbreadth, very slight, negligible (ekacula byabadhana), □ adv. in the least. cetiẏa (coll.) cete a. monopo listic. ekacetiẏa adhikara monopoly. cokho a. one-eyed, single-eyed; look ing in one direction only; partial; prejudiced, biased; preferential. cokhomi n. partiality; prejudice; bias; preferential treatment. cota adv. enough or too much at a stroke or at one time. cote adv. without break or respite (ekacote bala ba kara); with one stroke or attempt (ekacote jite neoẏa); simultaneously (ekacote sabaike baka). cchatra a. paramount, sov ereign; brought under one rule ('ekacchatra karibe dharani'). chute adv. at a single run. jai adv. repeatedly, over and over again, incessantly, continuously, with out stop (ekajai bala). □ a. united; as sembled, collected. □ n. sum total (batsarika aẏabyaẏera ekajai). ekajai kara v. to unite; to assemble, to collect. jiddi a. same as ekagum̐ẏe . jota a. united; assembled. jote adv. in a body, in concert, unitedly. jbari n. re mittent fever. □ a. suffering from re mittent fever. ta, ti a. one; only one, not more than one; one particular (ekata paramarsa ache) □ n. pro. any one (ekata halei hala). ekata-kichu, ekata-kono a. existent but not known or determi nate, some (ekata-kichu khun̐ta ache). □ pro. & n. something (ēkata-kichu cai). ekata duto a. only a few, of a negligible num ber. tana a. pointed or moving in one direction only; continually onward; continuous, continual; incessant, non stop (ekatana bysti); monotonous. □ adv. in one direction only; continually onward; continuously; continually; incessantly, without break; monoto nously. ekati matra a. only one; one and one only. tu, tuku a. & adv. only a little; just a little; a little. ekatu ekatu kare adv. little by little, bit by bit; slowly but gradually. tere a. curved a little; leaning to one side, slanting; (of judg ment etc.) one-sided, partial, ex parte. □ a. & adv. lying apart; keeping aloof. tantri a. (of musical instruments) one stringed; unanimous; under one and the same rule. □ n. a one-stringed mu sical instrument, a monochord. tama a. (super.) one of or amongst more than two. tara a. (compar.) one of two, ei ther. tarapha a. ex parte; partial; one sided. tala n. the ground floor (of a building or a multi-decked vehicle). □ a. one-storeyed; one-decked, single decked. ekatala gad়i a single decker. taliẏa a. coplanar. tana n. a harmoni ous note; harmony; concert. □ a. har monious; concerted; closely attentive, concentrated. tanamana a. closely atten tive, rapt in attention; intent. tara n. a variety of monochord (chiefly used by the Vaishnaya singers). tala1 var. of ekatala . tala2 tala n. an Indian mu sical measure. tila see tila . triṃsa a. thirty-first. triṃsat a & n. thirty-one. ˜triṃsattama a. thirty-first. fem. triṃsattami . trisa a. & n. thirty-one. ˜danta a. having but one tooth, one-toothed, single toothed. dama adv. at all; in the least; completely, thoroughly, utterly. dame adv. in one breath; without stop. dala a. monocotyledonous. dina adv. one day, someday; one day or other (ekadina na ekadina); once, once upon a time; at one time in the past; in the past. □ n. a glorious time or period (esp. one that has passed away). ekadina antara ekadina every other day, every alternate day. dysti, (poet.) dithi a. looking fixedly, gazing. dyste adv. with a fixed look, gazingly. desa n. a part or portion or division (esp. of a country); a region. desadarsita n. act of viewing partially; partiality; narrow-mindedness, illiber ality; bias; prejudice; want of fore sight. desadarsi a. viewing partially; partial; narrow-minded, illiberal; bi ased; prejudiced; lacking in foresight. desiẏa a. of or living in the same country. daud়e adv. at a run. dhatumana n. (econ.) monometallism. nabati a. & n. ninety-one. ˜nabatitama a. ninety-first. fem. nabatitami .nala, nali a. (chiefly of a gun) single-barrelled, one barrelled. nagad়e adv. at a stretch, continuously. naẏaka n. (pol.) an autoc crat or a dictator. naẏakatantra n. autoc racy or dictatorship. naẏakatantrika a. au tocratic or dictatorial. nistha a. devoted to or engaged in only one thing, single minded or single-acting; absorbedly at tentive, intent. fem. nistha . nisthata n. devotion to or engagement in only one thing, single-mindedness. eka pakse adv. viewing from one angle; in a way; somewhat. pancasa, pancasat a. & n. fifty-one. ˜pancasattama a. fifty-first. fem. ekapancasattami . ekapatnika a. mas. having one wife (at a time), monogamous. padikarana n. (gr.) unification of several words into a compound word, forma tion of a compound word. pati n. one of a pair; one set of (teeth). pada n. a fourth part, a quarter. □ a. one-fourth. parsbika, parsbiẏa a. one-sided; partial; (bot.) unilateral. peta n. a bellyful, one's fill. □ a. bellyful of. □ adv. to one's fill. pese a. leaning or stooping to one side; aslant; one-sided; partial. prakara adv. of a sort, in a way, some what. □ a. of a type; of some sort or other. pratisama a. zygomorphic. prasha a. severe; sufficient, of considerable amount. prana a. inseparably united. baṃsiẏa, baṃsodbhaba a. descended from the same ancestor, consanguine, con sanguineous. ekabagga coll. corrup. of ekabarga . bacana see bacana .barga a. obsti nate; stubborn, dogged. baẏasi a. of the same age. barna see barna . bastra a. wear ing only a single piece of cloth. bastre adv. wearing only a single piece of cloth and taking nothing along. bakye adv. with one voice; with one accord, unanimously. bara n. one time. □ adv. at one time; once. ekabare adv. at a time; at a stroke; thoroughly. basa same as ekabastra . biṃsa a. twenty-first. biṃsati a. & n. twenty-one. ˜biṃsatitama a. twenty-first. fem. biṃsatitami . bijapatri a. (bot.) monocotyledonous. buka a. chest-high; breast-deep. bhaba n. uniformity of state or quality or dis position. bhabapanna a. uniform in state or quality or disposition; of one mind. bhabe adv. uniformly; in the same way; without change, unchangingly. bhite adv. in one direction; to one side; apart. mata, matabalambi a. holding the same opinion; agreed; unanimous; holding the same religious faith. mana a. absorbed; single-minded. mane with rapt attention; single-mindedly. matyka a. born of one and the same mother, uterine. matra a. only matra n. one dose; one musical or metrical syllable. mukhikarana n. (phys.) rectification. mukho a. having one direction, one way. musti a. a handful of. mete, metiẏa a. (esp. of a mould or cast or an idol) primed; rough-cast; (fig.) rough-wrought. ekamete kara v. to prime; to rough-cast; (fig.) to do in a preliminary manner, to rough out. yoge adv. in a body; unit edly. rakama a. of the same kind, type, nature, appearance etc.; same; similar. □ adv. in a way, of a sort, somewhat, moderately; on the whole, somehow. rati, ratti a. (lit.) amounting to a rati (rati1) or .121 grams or 1.875 grains; only a little, a bit of; very small, tiny. raba, ra n. one voice. rupa same as ekarakama . rekhiẏa a. (geom.) collinear. rokha a. obstinate; self-willed, wilful; hot-tempered, quick-tempered, iras cible; having designs on one side only (ekarokha cadara). lahama n. an instant, a moment; jiffy. lahamaẏa adv. in an in stant, in a moment, in a jiffy. linga n. Shiva (siba). □ a. unisexual; (bot.) declinous. lingata n. unisexuality; (bot.) declinism. sira n. hydrocele; orchitis. sirala a. unicostate. sila a. monolithic. sesa n. excessiveness, overmuchness; (gr.) a system of form ing compound words in which only one word is chosen from amongst a group and is modified to represent the whole group. kastera ekasesa trouble be yond measure. nakalera ekasesa harassed beyond measure. satti, sasti a. & n. sixty-one. ˜sastitama a. sixty-first, fem. ekasastitami . sange a. in a body, all to gether; at the same time, simulta neously. saptati a. & n. seventy-one. ˜saptatitama a. seventy-first. fem. ekasaptatitami . sutre adv. in one string. shane adv. in or at the same place; in a certain place, somewhere. han̐tu a. knee-deep. hata a. measuring one cu bit. □ adv. enough for one time. ekahata neoẏa v. to pay one out or back, to re taliate; to teach one a lesson. hara a. slim; of a delicate structure.

Meaning of এক

a. & n one. ☐ n. & pro. one or single person or individual (দেশোদ্ধার একের কাজ নয়). □ a. only one; a certain (একসময়); completely full or filled or packed or covered (একবাড়ি লোক, একমুখ দাড়ি); same, one and the same (এক মায়ের সন্তান); united ('যত ভাই বোন এক হউক '); amalgamated; joined (দুই হাত এক করা); mixed (চালেডালে এক করা); one and only one (ঈশ্বর এক ও অভিন্ন); one of a number, a (রবীন্দ্রনাথ বিশ্বের এক শ্রেষ্ঠ কবি); unchanging, fixed (সেই এক গোঁ, ভদ্রলোকের এক কথা); concentrated ((একমনে). ̃আধ a. a few; sparse; scanty; rare. এক আঁচড়ে see আঁচড় । একই a. same; very same, one and the same. এক-এক a. some, one by one (এক-এক করে), certain (এক-এক দিন). একক a. alone, unaccompanied. ☐ n. the first figure from the right of an arithmetical number; (math.) a unit. এককড়া see কড়া । ̃কণা n. very little, a very small amount. ̃কথায় in a word. ̃কলমী n. a columnist who writes only one column of a newspaper. ̃কাটা, ̃কাট্টা pop. var. of একাট্টা । ̃কালীন a. done or to be done only once, given or to be given only once, at a time; simultaneous; contem porary. এককালীন অনুদান a lump grant, non-recurring grant. ̃কালে adv. at one time, once upon a time; at one and the same time, simultaneously. ̃কাঁড়ি a. a lot of, a heap of. ̃কেন্দ্রিক, ̃কেন্দ্রী, ̃কেন্দ্রীয় a. concentric. ̃গঙ্গা a. filled or full to the brim, full, replete (একগঙ্গা জল). ̃গর্ভপত্রী n. monocarpellary. ̃গলা a. up to the throat or chin. ̃-গা a. cov ering the whole of the body (এক-গা গয়না, এক-গা খোস). ̃গাদা a. a heap of; a great number or collection of (একগাদা লোক). ̃গাল a. a mouthful of. ☐ n. a mouthful. ̃গুঁয়ে a. obstinate, obdurate, stubborn; wilful, wayward; disobedi ent, indocile; indomitable. ̃গুঁয়েমি n. obstinacy; wilfulness, waywardness; disobedience, indocility, stubbornness, indomitableness. ̃ঘরে a. ostracized; cast out of society. একঘরে ব্যক্তি an out cast. ̃ঘাত a. linear. ̃ঘাত সমীকরণ a lin ear equation. ̃ঘেয়ে a. monotonous; hackneyed. ̃ঘেয়েমি n. monotony; hackneyedness. ̃চত্বারিংশ a. forty-first. ̃চত্বারিংশত্ a. & n. forty-one. ˜চত্বারিংশত্তম a. forty-first. fem. ̃চত্বারিংশত্তমী । ̃চর a. moving alone (cp. segregarious); shunning company. ̃চল্লিশ a. & n. forty-one. ˜চালা a. having only one slanting roof. ☐ n. such a hut or shed. ̃চিত্ত a. absorbedly attentive, intent, concen trated. ̃চুল a. hairbreadth, very slight, negligible (একচুল ব্যবধান), ☐ adv. in the least. ̃চেটিয়া (coll.) ̃চেটে a. monopo listic. একচেটিয়া অধিকার monopoly. ̃চোখো a. one-eyed, single-eyed; look ing in one direction only; partial; prejudiced, biased; preferential. ̃চোখোমি n. partiality; prejudice; bias; preferential treatment. ̃চোট adv. enough or too much at a stroke or at one time. ̃চোটে adv. without break or respite (একচোটে বলা বা করা); with one stroke or attempt (একচোটে জিতে নেওয়া); simultaneously (একচোটে সবাইকে বকা). ̃চ্ছত্র a. paramount, sov ereign; brought under one rule ('একচ্ছত্র করিবে ধরণী'). ̃ছুটে adv. at a single run. ̃জাই adv. repeatedly, over and over again, incessantly, continuously, with out stop (একজাই বলা). ☐ a. united; as sembled, collected. ☐ n. sum total (বাত্সরিক আয়ব্যয়ের একজাই). একজাই করা v. to unite; to assemble, to collect. ̃জিদ্দি a. same as একগুঁয়ে । ̃জোট a. united; assembled. ̃জোটে adv. in a body, in concert, unitedly. ̃জ্বরি n. re mittent fever. ☐ a. suffering from re mittent fever. ̃টা, ̃টি a. one; only one, not more than one; one particular (একটা পরামর্শ আছে) ☐ n. pro. any one (একটা হলেই হল). একটা-কিছু, একটা-কোনো a. existent but not known or determi nate, some (একটা-কিছু খুঁত আছে). ☐ pro. & n. something (একটা-কিছু চাই). একটা দুটো a. only a few, of a negligible num ber. ˜টানা a. pointed or moving in one direction only; continually onward; continuous, continual; incessant, non stop (একটানা বৃষ্টি); monotonous. ☐ adv. in one direction only; continually onward; continuously; continually; incessantly, without break; monoto nously. একটি মাত্র a. only one; one and one only. ̃টু, ̃টুকু a. & adv. only a little; just a little; a little. একটু একটু করে adv. little by little, bit by bit; slowly but gradually. ̃টেরে a. curved a little; leaning to one side, slanting; (of judg ment etc.) one-sided, partial, ex parte. ☐ a. & adv. lying apart; keeping aloof. ̃তন্ত্রী a. (of musical instruments) one stringed; unanimous; under one and the same rule. ☐ n. a one-stringed mu sical instrument, a monochord. ̃তম a. (super.) one of or amongst more than two. ̃তর a. (compar.) one of two, ei ther. ̃তরফা a. ex parte; partial; one sided. ̃তলা n. the ground floor (of a building or a multi-decked vehicle). ☐ a. one-storeyed; one-decked, single decked. একতলা গাড়ি a single decker. ̃তলীয় a. coplanar. ̃তান n. a harmoni ous note; harmony; concert. ☐ a. har monious; concerted; closely attentive, concentrated. ̃তানমনা a. closely atten tive, rapt in attention; intent. ̃তারা n. a variety of monochord (chiefly used by the Vaishnaya singers). ̃তালা1 var. of একতলা । ̃তালা2 ̃তাল n. an Indian mu sical measure. ̃তিল see তিল । ̃ত্রিংশ a. thirty-first. ̃ত্রিংশত্ a & n. thirty-one. ˜ত্রিংশত্তম a. thirty-first. fem. ̃ত্রিংশত্তমী । ̃ত্রিশ a. & n. thirty-one. ˜দন্ত a. having but one tooth, one-toothed, single toothed. ̃দম adv. at all; in the least; completely, thoroughly, utterly. ̃দমে adv. in one breath; without stop. ̃দল a. monocotyledonous. ̃দিন adv. one day, someday; one day or other (একদিন না একদিন); once, once upon a time; at one time in the past; in the past. ☐ n. a glorious time or period (esp. one that has passed away). একদিন অন্তর একদিন every other day, every alternate day. ̃দৃষ্টি, (poet.) ̃দিঠি a. looking fixedly, gazing. ̃দৃষ্টে adv. with a fixed look, gazingly. ̃দেশ n. a part or portion or division (esp. of a country); a region. ̃দেশদর্শিতা n. act of viewing partially; partiality; narrow-mindedness, illiber ality; bias; prejudice; want of fore sight. ̃দেশদর্শী a. viewing partially; partial; narrow-minded, illiberal; bi ased; prejudiced; lacking in foresight. ̃দেশীয় a. of or living in the same country. ̃দৌড়ে adv. at a run. ̃ধাতুমান n. (econ.) monometallism. ̃নবতি a. & n. ninety-one. ˜নবতিতম a. ninety-first. fem. ̃নবতিতমী ।̃নলা, ̃নলি a. (chiefly of a gun) single-barrelled, one barrelled. ̃নাগাড়ে adv. at a stretch, continuously. নায়ক n. (pol.) an autoc crat or a dictator. ̃নায়কতন্ত্র n. autoc racy or dictatorship. ̃নায়কতান্ত্রিক a. au tocratic or dictatorial. ̃নিষ্ঠ a. devoted to or engaged in only one thing, single minded or single-acting; absorbedly at tentive, intent. fem. ̃নিষ্ঠা । ̃নিষ্ঠতা n. devotion to or engagement in only one thing, single-mindedness. এক পক্ষে adv. viewing from one angle; in a way; somewhat. ̃পঞ্চাশ, ̃পঞ্চাশত্ a. & n. fifty-one. ˜পঞ্চাশত্তম a. fifty-first. fem. একপঞ্চাশত্তমী । একপত্নীক a. mas. having one wife (at a time), monogamous. ̃পদীকরণ n. (gr.) unification of several words into a compound word, forma tion of a compound word. ̃পাটি n. one of a pair; one set of (teeth). ̃পাদ n. a fourth part, a quarter. ☐ a. one-fourth. ̃পার্শ্বিক, ̃পার্শ্বীয় a. one-sided; partial; (bot.) unilateral. ̃পেট n. a bellyful, one's fill. ☐ a. bellyful of. ☐ adv. to one's fill. ̃পেশে a. leaning or stooping to one side; aslant; one-sided; partial. ̃প্রকার adv. of a sort, in a way, some what. ☐ a. of a type; of some sort or other. ̃প্রতিসম a. zygomorphic. ̃প্রস্হ a. severe; sufficient, of considerable amount. ̃প্রাণ a. inseparably united. ̃বংশীয়, ̃বংশোদ্ভব a. descended from the same ancestor, consanguine, con sanguineous. একবগ্গা coll. corrup. of একবর্গা । ̃বচন see বচন ।̃বর্গা a. obsti nate; stubborn, dogged. ̃বয়সী a. of the same age. ̃বর্ণ see বর্ণ । ̃বস্ত্র a. wear ing only a single piece of cloth. ̃বস্ত্রে adv. wearing only a single piece of cloth and taking nothing along. ̃বাক্যে adv. with one voice; with one accord, unanimously. ̃বার n. one time. ☐ adv. at one time; once. একবারে adv. at a time; at a stroke; thoroughly. ̃বাস same as একবস্ত্র । ̃বিংশ a. twenty-first. ̃বিংশতি a. & n. twenty-one. ˜বিংশতিতম a. twenty-first. fem. ̃বিংশতিতমী । ̃বীজপত্রী a. (bot.) monocotyledonous. ̃বুক a. chest-high; breast-deep. ̃ভাব n. uniformity of state or quality or dis position. ̃ভাবাপন্ন a. uniform in state or quality or disposition; of one mind. ̃ভাবে adv. uniformly; in the same way; without change, unchangingly. ̃ভিতে adv. in one direction; to one side; apart. ̃মত, ̃মতাবলম্বী a. holding the same opinion; agreed; unanimous; holding the same religious faith. ̃মনা a. absorbed; single-minded. ̃মনে with rapt attention; single-mindedly. ̃মাতৃক a. born of one and the same mother, uterine. ̃মাত্র a. only ̃মাত্রা n. one dose; one musical or metrical syllable. ̃মুখীকরণ n. (phys.) rectification. ̃মুখো a. having one direction, one way. ̃মুষ্টি a. a handful of. ̃মেটে, ̃মেটিয়া a. (esp. of a mould or cast or an idol) primed; rough-cast; (fig.) rough-wrought. একমেটে করা v. to prime; to rough-cast; (fig.) to do in a preliminary manner, to rough out. ̃যোগে adv. in a body; unit edly. ̃রকম a. of the same kind, type, nature, appearance etc.; same; similar. ☐ adv. in a way, of a sort, somewhat, moderately; on the whole, somehow. ̃রতি, ̃রত্তি a. (lit.) amounting to a rati (রতি1) or .121 grams or 1.875 grains; only a little, a bit of; very small, tiny. ̃রব, ̃রা n. one voice. ̃রূপ same as একরকম । ̃রেখীয় a. (geom.) collinear. ̃রোখা a. obstinate; self-willed, wilful; hot-tempered, quick-tempered, iras cible; having designs on one side only (একরোখা চাদর). ̃লহমা n. an instant, a moment; jiffy. ̃লহমায় adv. in an in stant, in a moment, in a jiffy. ̃লিঙ্গ n. Shiva (শিব). ☐ a. unisexual; (bot.) declinous. ̃লিঙ্গতা n. unisexuality; (bot.) declinism. ̃শিরা n. hydrocele; orchitis. ̃শিরাল a. unicostate. ̃শিলা a. monolithic. ̃শেষ n. excessiveness, overmuchness; (gr.) a system of form ing compound words in which only one word is chosen from amongst a group and is modified to represent the whole group. কষ্টের একশেষ trouble be yond measure. নাকালের একশেষ harassed beyond measure. ̃ষট্টি, ̃ষষ্টি a. & n. sixty-one. ˜ষষ্টিতম a. sixty-first, fem. একষষ্টিতমী । ̃সঙ্গে a. in a body, all to gether; at the same time, simulta neously. ̃সপ্ততি a. & n. seventy-one. ˜সপ্ততিতম a. seventy-first. fem. একসপ্ততিতমী । ̃সূত্রে adv. in one string. ̃স্হানে adv. in or at the same place; in a certain place, somewhere. ̃হাঁটু a. knee-deep. ̃হাত a. measuring one cu bit. ☐ adv. enough for one time. একহাত নেওয়া v. to pay one out or back, to re taliate; to teach one a lesson. ̃হারা a. slim; of a delicate structure.

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