Meaning of 'uddhara'

n rescue, deliverance (uddharalabha); uplift, emancipation (patitoddhara); rec lamation, development (luptoddhara); re covery (sbashyoddhara); removal esp. by extracting or lifting (kantakoddhara, pankoddhara); a quotation from a writing etc. uddhara kara v. to rescue, to deliver; to uplift, to emancipate; to reclaim, to de velop; to recover; to remove (esp. by extracting or lifting); to quote from a writing etc.). ka, karta, kari n. a res cuer, a deliverer, a saviour; an up lifter, an emancipator; a reclaimer; a recoverer; a remover; one who quotes. karya n. rescue work; rescue operation. cihna n. (gr.) quotation marks, inverted commas ( or ' '). uddhara paoẏa, uddhara labha kara v. to be rid of an awkward or difficult situation; to be rescued; to be saved. bhabana n. a rescue-home. uddharasrama n. a home or camp for homeless or res cued persons; a rescue-home.

Meaning of উদ্ধার

n rescue, deliverance (উদ্ধারলাভ); uplift, emancipation (পতিতোদ্ধার); rec lamation, development (লুপ্তোদ্ধার); re covery (স্বাস্হ্যোদ্ধার); removal esp. by extracting or lifting (কন্টকোদ্ধার, পঙ্কোদ্ধার); a quotation from a writing etc. উদ্ধার করা v. to rescue, to deliver; to uplift, to emancipate; to reclaim, to de velop; to recover; to remove (esp. by extracting or lifting); to quote from a writing etc.). ̃ক, ̃কর্তা, ̃কারী n. a res cuer, a deliverer, a saviour; an up lifter, an emancipator; a reclaimer; a recoverer; a remover; one who quotes. ̃কার্য n. rescue work; rescue operation. ̃চিহ্ন n. (gr.) quotation marks, inverted commas ( or ' '). উদ্ধার পাওয়া, উদ্ধার লাভ করা v. to be rid of an awkward or difficult situation; to be rescued; to be saved. ̃ভবন n. a rescue-home. উদ্ধারাশ্রম n. a home or camp for homeless or res cued persons; a rescue-home.

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