Meaning of 'indra'

n the king of gods and goddesses (cp. Jupiter, Zeus, Jove). kalpa a. like Indra (in might or status or wealth). capa same as dhanu . jit a. & n. one who has defeated Indra (indra). ˜tba n. the office or status of Indra (indra); an office or status as mighty or wealthy as that of Indra (indra). dhanu n. the rainbow; (lit.) the bow of Indra (indra). patana, pata n. (lit.) fall of Indra, the king of gods; (fig.) death of a great man. puri, loka, indralaẏa n. the abode or city of Indra (indra); Paradise; Heaven. sabha n. the court of Indra (indra). suta n. a son of Indra (indra) sena n. one whose army is as large and powerful as that of Indra (indra).

Meaning of ইন্দ্র

n the king of gods and goddesses (cp. Jupiter, Zeus, Jove). ̃কল্প a. like Indra (in might or status or wealth). ̃চাপ same as ̃ধনু । ̃জিত্ a. & n. one who has defeated Indra (ইন্দ্র). ˜ত্ব n. the office or status of Indra (ইন্দ্র); an office or status as mighty or wealthy as that of Indra (ইন্দ্র). ̃ধনু n. the rainbow; (lit.) the bow of Indra (ইন্দ্র). ̃পতন, ̃পাত n. (lit.) fall of Indra, the king of gods; (fig.) death of a great man. ̃পুরী, ̃লোক, ইন্দ্রালয় n. the abode or city of Indra (ইন্দ্র); Paradise; Heaven. ̃সভা n. the court of Indra (ইন্দ্র). ̃সুত n. a son of Indra (ইন্দ্র) ̃সেন n. one whose army is as large and powerful as that of Indra (ইন্দ্র).

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