Meaning of 'ahara'

n eating; food; a meal. ahara o basashana food and lodging, bed and board. ahara kara v. to eat; to eat a meal, to dine. ahara deoẏa v. to give food; to feed. data n. one who gives food; a feeder; (fig.) a maintainer. fem. datri . aharanidra tyaga kara to give up eating and sleeping (when one is troubled with anxiety or misgiving). bihara n. dinner or food and enjoyment. aharanta n. ter mination of dinner or eating. aharabhaba n. want of food; starvation; shortage or scarcity of food. aharartha adv. for dining or eating. ahararthi a. seeking food or dinner. ahari a. one who eats, eating; voracious.

Meaning of আহার

n eating; food; a meal. আহার ও বাসস্হান food and lodging, bed and board. আহার করা v. to eat; to eat a meal, to dine. আহার দেওয়া v. to give food; to feed. ̃দাতা n. one who gives food; a feeder; (fig.) a maintainer. fem. ̃দাত্রী । আহারনিদ্রা ত্যাগ করা to give up eating and sleeping (when one is troubled with anxiety or misgiving). ̃বিহার n. dinner or food and enjoyment. আহারান্ত n. ter mination of dinner or eating. আহারাভাব n. want of food; starvation; shortage or scarcity of food. আহারার্থ adv. for dining or eating. আহারার্থী a. seeking food or dinner. আহারী a. one who eats, eating; voracious.

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