Meaning of 'aroha'

n height, altitude; ascent; board ing (a ship, railway train etc.) entrain ment, embarkation; buttock esp. of a woman (bararoha); grade; (log.) induc tion. na n. mounting or climbing or riding or placing oneself upon; ascent, ascension, boarding a carriage. arohana kara v. to mount, to climb, to scale; to ascend; to ride; to place oneself upon; to board (a ship, railway train etc.) to embark, to entrain. ni n. a flight of steps, a stair, a stair-case; a ladder; an escalator. patra n. an embarkation per mit. pranali n. inductive method. shana n. a remount depot. arohi a. mount ing; climbing; scaling; riding; board ing, embarking; mounted; emplaced; boarded; ascended; (log.) inductive; (mus. of notes) gradually increasing in pitch. □ n. a climber; a rider; a passen ger; (mus.) a note which increases gradually in pitch. fem. arohini .

Meaning of আরোহ

n height, altitude; ascent; board ing (a ship, railway train etc.) entrain ment, embarkation; buttock esp. of a woman (বরারোহা); grade; (log.) induc tion. ̃ণ n. mounting or climbing or riding or placing oneself upon; ascent, ascension, boarding a carriage. আরোহণ করা v. to mount, to climb, to scale; to ascend; to ride; to place oneself upon; to board (a ship, railway train etc.) to embark, to entrain. ̃ণী n. a flight of steps, a stair, a stair-case; a ladder; an escalator. ̃পত্র n. an embarkation per mit. ̃প্রণালী n. inductive method. ̃স্হান n. a remount depot. আরোহী a. mount ing; climbing; scaling; riding; board ing, embarking; mounted; emplaced; boarded; ascended; (log.) inductive; (mus. of notes) gradually increasing in pitch. ☐ n. a climber; a rider; a passen ger; (mus.) a note which increases gradually in pitch. fem. আরোহিণী ।

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