Meaning of 'aropa'

n ascription or attribution of a quality of one thing to another; impu tation; imposition; assignment; be stowal. aropa kara v. to ascribe, to at tribute; to impute; to impose; to assign; to bestow. ka a. attributing, ascribing; imputing; imposing; assigning; be stowing; placing; implanting. □ n. an imputer; an imposer; one who assigns; one who bestows or places; one who strings (a bow); a planter. na n. attri bution, ascription; imputation; imposi tion; assignment; bestowal; placing, emplacement; mounting a thing or per son upon something; stringing a bow; act of planting; implantation. aropana kara v. to attribute, to ascribe; to im pute; to impose; to assign; to bestow; to place; to mount; to string (a bow); to plant; to implant. aropita a. attributed, ascribed; imputed; imposed; assigned; bestowed; placed; mounted; (of a bow) strung; planted; implanted.

Meaning of আরোপ

n ascription or attribution of a quality of one thing to another; impu tation; imposition; assignment; be stowal. আরোপ করা v. to ascribe, to at tribute; to impute; to impose; to assign; to bestow. ̃ক a. attributing, ascribing; imputing; imposing; assigning; be stowing; placing; implanting. ☐ n. an imputer; an imposer; one who assigns; one who bestows or places; one who strings (a bow); a planter. ̃ণ n. attri bution, ascription; imputation; imposi tion; assignment; bestowal; placing, emplacement; mounting a thing or per son upon something; stringing a bow; act of planting; implantation. আরোপণ করা v. to attribute, to ascribe; to im pute; to impose; to assign; to bestow; to place; to mount; to string (a bow); to plant; to implant. আরোপিত a. attributed, ascribed; imputed; imposed; assigned; bestowed; placed; mounted; (of a bow) strung; planted; implanted.

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