Meaning of 'a3'

pfx denoting: a little, slight (akampa); thorough (aksipta); starting from (ajanma, asamudra); up to (akantha, amarana); during the whole of, through out (ajibana); including (acandala) contrary to (agamana); implying nega tion up-, non-(akata); perverted, vile (akatha); bad, disagreeable, unsuitable, difficult, hard (aghata, akala) etc.

Meaning of আ3

pfx denoting: a little, slight (আকম্প); thorough (আক্ষিপ্ত); starting from (আজন্ম, আসমুদ্র); up to (আকন্ঠ, আমরণ); during the whole of, through out (আজীবন); including (আচণ্ডাল) contrary to (আগমন); implying nega tion up-, non-(আকাটা); perverted, vile (আকথা); bad, disagreeable, unsuitable, difficult, hard (আঘাট, আকাল) etc.

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