Meaning of 'hati2'
n the elephant; (fig.) a very corpu lent or hefty or bulky or gigantic per son. hati posa v. to keep an elephant; (fig.) to employ or keep somebody who entails tremendous expenditure for the employer or keeper. hatira khoraka an elephant's feed; (fig.) an enormous feed. hatira dan̐ta a tusk. hatira sun̐d় a trunk.
Meaning of হাতি2
n the elephant; (fig.) a very corpu lent or hefty or bulky or gigantic per son. হাতি পোষা v. to keep an elephant; (fig.) to employ or keep somebody who entails tremendous expenditure for the employer or keeper. হাতির খোরাক an elephant's feed; (fig.) an enormous feed. হাতির দাঁত a tusk. হাতির শুঁড় a trunk.
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