Meaning of 'hajira'

a appeared; present; attendant. hajira kara ba karano v. to bring (one) in presence (of), to make one appear, to present. hajira thaka v. to be in atten dance; to attend; to be present. hajira hoẏa, hajira deoẏa v. to put in an ap pearance, to appear; to attend; to be present. hajira, hajiri n. attendance, appearance; presence. hajira-khata, hajira-bi, hajiri-khata, hajiri-bi n. an attendance register.

Meaning of হাজির

a appeared; present; attendant. হাজির করা বা করানো v. to bring (one) in presence (of), to make one appear, to present. হাজির থাকা v. to be in atten dance; to attend; to be present. হাজির হওয়া, হাজিরা দেওয়া v. to put in an ap pearance, to appear; to attend; to be present. হাজিরা, হাজিরি n. attendance, appearance; presence. হাজিরা-খাতা, হাজিরা-বই, হাজিরি-খাতা, হাজিরি-বই n. an attendance register.

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