Meaning of 'habi'

n any article esp. ghee offered in fire-sacrifice, a burnt-offering; clari fied butter, ghee; an oblation of fire, a fire-sacrifice. habisya, habisyanna, habisyi n. (rare) sunned rice boiled in ghee; (pop.) boiled sunned rice and ghee. habisya kara v. to eat (nothing but) boiled sunned rice and ghee. habisyasi a. eating (nothing but) boiled sunned rice and ghee.

Meaning of হবি

n any article esp. ghee offered in fire-sacrifice, a burnt-offering; clari fied butter, ghee; an oblation of fire, a fire-sacrifice. হবিষ্য, হবিষ্যান্ন, হবিষ্যি n. (rare) sunned rice boiled in ghee; (pop.) boiled sunned rice and ghee. হবিষ্য করা v. to eat (nothing but) boiled sunned rice and ghee. হবিষ্যাশী a. eating (nothing but) boiled sunned rice and ghee.

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