Meaning of 'sara'

n the best or excellent part; duramen, heart-wood; sap (of a tree); film or cream (of milk); marrow (of bone); pith; essence; extract; inner sig nificance, gist; substance, abstract; spirit, vigour, manure, fertilizer; (only) worth. (kathamatra sara). □ a. best, excel lent; essential; real or true or inner. sara kara v. to have recourse to something on considering it the sole object of pur suit; to regard something as the best or sole object. sara bojha v. to regard some thing as the best or sole object; to form an unalterable and final conviction. sara deoẏa v. to manure. udbhijja sara veg etable manure. khanija sara mineral ma nure. pranija sara, prani-sara animal ma nure. misra sara n. compost. katha (lit.) essential words; substance; gist; sum and substance. kud়, gada, doba n. a dunghill, a manure-pit. garbha a. having an inner significance or import; rich in content; substantial. granha n. a manual, a vade-mecum. nibandha n. an abstract register. batta n. substantiality; real worth. bana a. full of substance, sub stantial; rich in duramen, sappy; pithy; fertile. bhuta a. abstracted into or re duced to substance only; (loos.) sub stantial; best, picked. mati n. marl. sunya, hina a. pithless, sapless; unsub stantial. sanksepa n. substance, sum mary; a precis; essence; see also saraṃsa . sangraha, sankalana n. collection or compilation of the substantial or best specimens or of the pick; an ab stract; an anthology of the best things.

Meaning of সার

n the best or excellent part; duramen, heart-wood; sap (of a tree); film or cream (of milk); marrow (of bone); pith; essence; extract; inner sig nificance, gist; substance, abstract; spirit, vigour, manure, fertilizer; (only) worth. (কথামাত্র সার). ☐ a. best, excel lent; essential; real or true or inner. সার করা v. to have recourse to something on considering it the sole object of pur suit; to regard something as the best or sole object. সার বোঝা v. to regard some thing as the best or sole object; to form an unalterable and final conviction. সার দেওয়া v. to manure. উদ্ভিজ্জ সার veg etable manure. খনিজ সার mineral ma nure. প্রানিজ সার, প্রাণী-সার animal ma nure. মিশ্র সার n. compost. ̃কথা (lit.) essential words; substance; gist; sum and substance. ̃কুড়, ̃গাদা, ̃ডোবা n. a dunghill, a manure-pit. ̃গর্ভ a. having an inner significance or import; rich in content; substantial. ̃গ্রন্হ n. a manual, a vade-mecum. ̃নিবন্ধ n. an abstract register. ̃বত্তা n. substantiality; real worth. ̃বান a. full of substance, sub stantial; rich in duramen, sappy; pithy; fertile. ̃ভূত a. abstracted into or re duced to substance only; (loos.) sub stantial; best, picked. ̃মাটি n. marl. ̃শূন্য, ̃হীন a. pithless, sapless; unsub stantial. ̃সংক্ষেপ n. substance, sum mary; a precis; essence; see also সারাংশ । ̃সংগ্রহ, ̃সংকলন n. collection or compilation of the substantial or best specimens or of the pick; an ab stract; an anthology of the best things.

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