Meaning of 'sara2'

v to move, to stir; to move away, to withdraw; to move aside; to remove; to issue forth, to flow out, to come out (jala sara, bakya sara); to come in and go out, to pass (batasa sara); (sl.) to die; to decamp, to slip away; to move facilely (kalama sara); to be willing or inclined (mana sara); to be willing to work (hata sara).

Meaning of সরা2

v to move, to stir; to move away, to withdraw; to move aside; to remove; to issue forth, to flow out, to come out (জল সরা, বাক্য সরা); to come in and go out, to pass (বাতাস সরা); (sl.) to die; to decamp, to slip away; to move facilely (কলম সরা); to be willing or inclined (মন সরা); to be willing to work (হাত সরা).

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