Meaning of 'artha 2'

n money, wealth; purpose, end in view, object; behalf (pararthe); earthly or secular prosperity, comfort and hap piness (dharma-artha-kama-moksa); politics; po litical economy, economics; purpose (moksarthe tapasya); any branch or subject of learning (sarbarthatattba); the thing de sired (purusartha). artha adhikarika n. finance officer. kara a. helpful in earning money, money-earning, money-mak ing. fem. kari . kari bidya learning or training conducive to earning money; professional training. kasta n. pecuniary hardship or trouble; want or shortage of money. kami a. (eagerly) desirous of earning or acquiring money or wealth; avaricious. kycchra n. same as kasta . gydhnu a. avaricious, mammonish. cinta n. pecuniary worry; devising means of earning money. cesta n. ef fort to earn or procure money. tattba n. political economy; economics. danda n. a fine; pecuniary loss. niti n. political economy, economics; principles of economics. nitijna, nitibida n. an economist. naitika same as arthanitika . para, paraẏana a. avaricious, mammonish; miserly. pala n. a trea surer. pipasa n. thirst for money. pipasu a. thirsty for money. pisaca n. one who is unscrupulously greedy of money; one having an inordinate lust for money; a Mammon-worshipper. prada a. that which fetches money, money-earning. prapti n. act of obtain ing or earning money. bala n. financial strength or competency; power of wealth. bana a. rich, wealthy. bidya n. same as arthatattba . biniẏoga n. investment of money. bijnana n. same as arthatattba . bijnani n. an economist. byaẏa n. act of spending money; expenditure, ex pense, cost. bhandara n. treasury; fund. mantraka n. the ministry of finance. labha n. same as arthaprapti . lalasa, lipsa, lobha n. (chiefly morbid) desire for money; avarice, cupidity. lipsu, lobhi a. avaricious. sali a. rich, wealthy. sastra n. political economy, economics; political science, politics (kautilyera arthasastra). sunya a. unprovided with money; grossly short of money; penniless, insolvent. sunyata n. lack of money; gross shortage of money; in solvency, pauperism. sankata n. finan cial crisis. sangraha n. procurement or collection or acquisition or earning of money. sangraha kara v. to procure or col lect or acquire or raise or earn money. saṃshana n. provision or procurement of money. saṃshana kara v. to provide or procure money (for). sangati n. provi sion or possession of money; solvency. sangati thaka v. to possess money or funds (for); to be well-to-do or solvent. saciba n. finance secretary. sancaẏa n. saving or hoarding or accumulating money or wealth. sancaẏi a. money-sav ing. sahayya n. monetary aid or grant; donation. sahayya kara v. to grant mon etary aid; to help with money. hani n. loss of money. hina n. same as arthasunya . arthagama n. inflow or influx of money; in come.

Meaning of অর্থ 2

n money, wealth; purpose, end in view, object; behalf (পরার্থে); earthly or secular prosperity, comfort and hap piness (ধর্ম-অর্থ-কাম-মোক্ষ); politics; po litical economy, economics; purpose (মোক্ষার্থে তপস্যা); any branch or subject of learning (সর্বার্থতত্ত্ব); the thing de sired (পুরুষার্থ). অর্থ আধিকারিক n. finance officer. ̃কর a. helpful in earning money, money-earning, money-mak ing. fem. ̃করী । ̃করী বিদ্যা learning or training conducive to earning money; professional training. ̃কষ্ট n. pecuniary hardship or trouble; want or shortage of money. ̃কামী a. (eagerly) desirous of earning or acquiring money or wealth; avaricious. ̃কৃচ্ছ্র n. same as ̃কষ্ট । ̃গৃধ্নু a. avaricious, mammonish. ̃চিন্তা n. pecuniary worry; devising means of earning money. ̃চেষ্টা n. ef fort to earn or procure money. ̃তত্ত্ব n. political economy; economics. ̃দণ্ড n. a fine; pecuniary loss. ̃নীতি n. political economy, economics; principles of economics. ̃নীতিজ্ঞ, ̃নীতিবিদ n. an economist. ̃নৈতিক same as আর্থনীতিক । ̃পর, ̃পরায়ণ a. avaricious, mammonish; miserly. ̃পাল n. a trea surer. ̃পিপাসা n. thirst for money. ̃পিপাসু a. thirsty for money. ̃পিশাচ n. one who is unscrupulously greedy of money; one having an inordinate lust for money; a Mammon-worshipper. ̃প্রদ a. that which fetches money, money-earning. ̃প্রাপ্তি n. act of obtain ing or earning money. ̃বল n. financial strength or competency; power of wealth. ̃বান a. rich, wealthy. ̃বিদ্যা n. same as অর্থতত্ত্ব । ̃বিনিয়োগ n. investment of money. ̃বিজ্ঞান n. same as অর্থতত্ত্ব । ̃বিজ্ঞানী n. an economist. ̃ব্যয় n. act of spending money; expenditure, ex pense, cost. ̃ভাণ্ডার n. treasury; fund. ̃মন্ত্রক n. the ministry of finance. ̃লাভ n. same as অর্থপ্রাপ্তি । ̃লালসা, ̃লিপ্সা, ̃লোভ n. (chiefly morbid) desire for money; avarice, cupidity. ̃লিপ্সু, ̃লোভী a. avaricious. ̃শালী a. rich, wealthy. ̃শাস্ত্র n. political economy, economics; political science, politics (কৌটিল্যের অর্থশাস্ত্র). ̃শূন্য a. unprovided with money; grossly short of money; penniless, insolvent. ̃শূন্যতা n. lack of money; gross shortage of money; in solvency, pauperism. ̃সংকট n. finan cial crisis. ̃সংগ্রহ n. procurement or collection or acquisition or earning of money. ̃সংগ্রহ করা v. to procure or col lect or acquire or raise or earn money. ̃সংস্হান n. provision or procurement of money. সংস্হান করা v. to provide or procure money (for). সংগতি n. provi sion or possession of money; solvency. সংগতি থাকা v. to possess money or funds (for); to be well-to-do or solvent. ̃সচিব n. finance secretary. ̃সঞ্চয় n. saving or hoarding or accumulating money or wealth. ̃সঞ্চয়ী a. money-sav ing. ̃সাহায্য n. monetary aid or grant; donation. ̃সাহায্য করা v. to grant mon etary aid; to help with money. ̃হানি n. loss of money. ̃হীন n. same as অর্থশূন্য । অর্থাগম n. inflow or influx of money; in come.

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