Meaning of 'sancara, sancarana'

n transition; (astr. & astrol.) transition from one zodiacal sign to another; transit; movement, motion; gait (padasancara); pervasion, dif fusion (alokasancara); accumulation, collection (meghasancara); appearance, on coming, advent, beginning (yaubanasancara); infusion (pranasancara); transfusion (raktasancara); excitation, inci tation, arousing (bhaẏasancara). sahasa sancara kara v. to take courage. sancarapatha n. locus (pl. loci). sancarita a. transited; (astr. & astrl.) transited to another zodiacal sign; moved; that which has pervaded or diffused; accumulated, collected; appeared; that which has come or be gun; infused; transfused; excited, in cited, roused. sancarita kara v. to bring, to cause to set in or appear; to infuse, to transfuse; to excite, to incite, to rouse. sancarita hoẏa v. to make a transit; (astr. & astrol) to make a transit to another zodiacal sign; to be in motion, to move; to pervade, to diffuse; to accu mulate, to collect; to appear; to begin, to ensue; to be infused or transfused or incited or roused. sancari a. in transit; moving, in motion; passing; evanes cent; temporary; causing to move or pervade or diffuse or accumulate or collect or appear or ensue; oncoming; infusing; transfusing; excitant, inciting, rousing. □ n. (rhet.) the passing senti ment that is excited in the mind of a reader, a rhetorical accessory; (mus.) the third line or step of any of the In dian musical modes. fem. a. sancarini .

Meaning of সঞ্চার, সঞ্চারণ

n transition; (astr. & astrol.) transition from one zodiacal sign to another; transit; movement, motion; gait (পদসঞ্চার); pervasion, dif fusion (আলোকসঞ্চার); accumulation, collection (মেঘসঞ্চার); appearance, on coming, advent, beginning (যৌবনসঞ্চার); infusion (প্রাণসঞ্চার); transfusion (রক্তসঞ্চার); excitation, inci tation, arousing (ভয়সঞ্চার). সাহস সঞ্চার করা v. to take courage. সঞ্চারপথ n. locus (pl. loci). সঞ্চারিত a. transited; (astr. & astrl.) transited to another zodiacal sign; moved; that which has pervaded or diffused; accumulated, collected; appeared; that which has come or be gun; infused; transfused; excited, in cited, roused. সঞ্চারিত করা v. to bring, to cause to set in or appear; to infuse, to transfuse; to excite, to incite, to rouse. সঞ্চারিত হওয়া v. to make a transit; (astr. & astrol) to make a transit to another zodiacal sign; to be in motion, to move; to pervade, to diffuse; to accu mulate, to collect; to appear; to begin, to ensue; to be infused or transfused or incited or roused. সঞ্চারী a. in transit; moving, in motion; passing; evanes cent; temporary; causing to move or pervade or diffuse or accumulate or collect or appear or ensue; oncoming; infusing; transfusing; excitant, inciting, rousing. ☐ n. (rhet.) the passing senti ment that is excited in the mind of a reader, a rhetorical accessory; (mus.) the third line or step of any of the In dian musical modes. fem. a. সঞ্চারিণী ।

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