Meaning of 'ayukta'

a not joined or connected or at tached; disjointed, disconnected, unat tached, detached, separated. ayukti n. disunion, disconnection, separation; unreasonableness, unjustness; illogi cality; a wrong or fallacious argument; a fallacy; bad or mischievous advice; sophistry; impropriety. ayuktiyukta a. un tenable by reason, unreasonable, illogi cal.

Meaning of অযুক্ত

a not joined or connected or at tached; disjointed, disconnected, unat tached, detached, separated. অযুক্তি n. disunion, disconnection, separation; unreasonableness, unjustness; illogi cality; a wrong or fallacious argument; a fallacy; bad or mischievous advice; sophistry; impropriety. অযুক্তিযুক্ত a. un tenable by reason, unreasonable, illogi cal.

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