Meaning of 'sapa'

n a curse, a malison, imprecation. sapa deoẏa v. to curse, to imprecate. grasta a. lying under a curse; cursed, accursed. fem. grasta . bhrasta a. fallen or expelled (esp. from heaven) by a curse. fem. bhrasta . mukta a. freed from a curse. mukti, mocana n. release from a curse. sapamocana kara v. to release from a curse, to set free from a curse. sapanta n. (rare) a curse and release from it; (pop.) severe and repeated cursing. sapa same as sapa deoẏa . sapanta n. ter mination of a curse; release from a curse; (loos.) a spell of severe cursing.

Meaning of শাপ

n a curse, a malison, imprecation. শাপ দেওয়া v. to curse, to imprecate. ̃গ্রস্ত a. lying under a curse; cursed, accursed. fem. ̃গ্রস্তা । ̃ভ্রষ্ট a. fallen or expelled (esp. from heaven) by a curse. fem. ̃ভ্রষ্টা । ̃মুক্ত a. freed from a curse. ̃মুক্তি, ̃মোচন n. release from a curse. শাপমোচন করা v. to release from a curse, to set free from a curse. ̃শাপান্ত n. (rare) a curse and release from it; (pop.) severe and repeated cursing. শাপা same as শাপ দেওয়া । শাপান্ত n. ter mination of a curse; release from a curse; (loos.) a spell of severe cursing.

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