Meaning of 'rupa'

n form, body, figure; shape, ap pearance; build; beauty, grace; mode, manner, fashion, type, kind, sort (erupa, serupa); complexion, colour, hue; nature, habit; (gr.) conjugation (dhaturupa), declension (sabdarupa); (phil.) a concept. rupe adv. in form; in beauty (rupe laksi). rupera dali (fig.) an un commonly beautiful person. rupera dhucuni (fig. & sarcas.) an utterly ugly person. rūpaka n. (rhet.) a figure of speech akin to metaphor and allegory. rupaka-artha n. figurative meaning. katha n. a folktale; a legend, a fairy tale. rupaka kahini n. an allegorical tale or story, an allegory. rupaka-bakya n. a metaphori cal or allegorical expression. kara n. a moulder; an artist; a dresser (esp. of actors and actresses). guna n. pl. beauty and merits. can̐da n. (sl. & facet.) a silver coin, a rupee; money. ja a. originating from or caused by beauty. tattba n. (ling.) morphology; aesthetics. tysna n. thirst for beauty. daksa a. adept in assuming disguises; (of an actor or actress) proficient in using make-up; (of an artist) profi cient in shaping or moulding. dasta n. pewter, white metal; German silver. rupa dharana kara v. to assume the disguise of, to disguise oneself as; to assume the person of a dramatic character; to impersonate; to appear as. dhari a. as suming the form or shape of; dis guised as; impersonating; appearing as. fem. dharini . bati fem. of banta . banta, bana a. handsome, beautiful. madhuri, madhurya n. charm of beauty. mugdha, mohita a. infatuated with beauty. fem. mugdha, mohita . yaubana n. pl. youth and beauty. yaubanasampanna a. full of youth and beauty, young and handsome. fem. yaubanasampanna . rasi n. pl. personal beauty or grace or charm. labanya n. charm of personal beauty. si a. fem. handsome, beautiful. □ n. fem. a beautiful woman.

Meaning of রূপ

n form, body, figure; shape, ap pearance; build; beauty, grace; mode, manner, fashion, type, kind, sort (এরূপ, সেরূপ); complexion, colour, hue; nature, habit; (gr.) conjugation (ধাতুরূপ), declension (শব্দরূপ); (phil.) a concept. রূপে adv. in form; in beauty (রূপে লক্ষী). রূপের ডালি (fig.) an un commonly beautiful person. রূপের ধুচুনি (fig. & sarcas.) an utterly ugly person. রূপক n. (rhet.) a figure of speech akin to metaphor and allegory. রূপক-অর্থ n. figurative meaning. ˜কথা n. a folktale; a legend, a fairy tale. রূপক কাহিনি n. an allegorical tale or story, an allegory. রূপক-বাক্য n. a metaphori cal or allegorical expression. ̃কার n. a moulder; an artist; a dresser (esp. of actors and actresses). ̃গুণ n. pl. beauty and merits. ̃চাঁদ n. (sl. & facet.) a silver coin, a rupee; money. ̃জ a. originating from or caused by beauty. ̃তত্ত্ব n. (ling.) morphology; aesthetics. ̃তৃষ্ণা n. thirst for beauty. ̃দক্ষ a. adept in assuming disguises; (of an actor or actress) proficient in using make-up; (of an artist) profi cient in shaping or moulding. ̃দস্তা n. pewter, white metal; German silver. রূপ ধারণ করা v. to assume the disguise of, to disguise oneself as; to assume the person of a dramatic character; to impersonate; to appear as. ̃ধারী a. as suming the form or shape of; dis guised as; impersonating; appearing as. fem. ̃ধারিণী । ̃বতী fem. of ̃বন্ত । ̃বন্ত, ̃বান a. handsome, beautiful. ̃মাধুরি, ̃মাধুর্য n. charm of beauty. ̃মুগ্ধ, ̃মোহিত a. infatuated with beauty. fem. ̃মুগ্ধা, ̃মোহিতা । ̃যৌবন n. pl. youth and beauty. ̃যৌবনসম্পন্ন a. full of youth and beauty, young and handsome. fem. ̃যৌবনসম্পন্না । ̃রাশি n. pl. personal beauty or grace or charm. ̃লাবণ্য n. charm of personal beauty. ̃সী a. fem. handsome, beautiful. ☐ n. fem. a beautiful woman.

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