Meaning of 'rahita'

a lacking in, devoid of, destitute of (kandajnanarahita); repealed, with drawn, abolished; stayed, held over, postponed; stopped, discontinued. rahita kara v. to repeal, to withdraw, to abol ish, to annul, to abrogate, to revoke (aina rahita kara); to stay, to hold over, to postpone (nilama rahita kara); to stop, to discontinue (pratha rahita kara).

Meaning of রহিত

a lacking in, devoid of, destitute of (কান্ডজ্ঞানরহিত); repealed, with drawn, abolished; stayed, held over, postponed; stopped, discontinued. রহিত করা v. to repeal, to withdraw, to abol ish, to annul, to abrogate, to revoke (আইন রহিত করা); to stay, to hold over, to postpone (নিলাম রহিত করা); to stop, to discontinue (প্রথা রহিত করা).

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