Meaning of 'yataẏata'
n come-and-go; frequentation; movement, plying (trena-yataẏata); traf fic (loka-yataẏata). yataẏata kara v. to come and go; to frequent; to move, to ply. yataẏata-kharaca n. travelling expenses or allowance. yataẏatera patha a thorough fare.
Meaning of যাতায়াত
n come-and-go; frequentation; movement, plying (ট্রেন-যাতায়াত); traf fic (লোক-যাতায়াত). যাতায়াত করা v. to come and go; to frequent; to move, to ply. যাতায়াত-খরচ n. travelling expenses or allowance. যাতায়াতের পথ a thorough fare.
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