Meaning of 'yajana'

n act of conducting a religious ser vice in the capacity of a priest or cler gyman. yajana kara v. to conduct a reli gious service (as by a priest). bytti n. the profession of the priest or the clergy, priestship, priesthood, clericity; a stipend or allowance given to a priest or clergyman, (cp.) a benefice. yajanika a. priestly, clerical; ecclesiastical.

Meaning of যাজন

n act of conducting a religious ser vice in the capacity of a priest or cler gyman. যাজন করা v. to conduct a reli gious service (as by a priest). ̃বৃত্তি n. the profession of the priest or the clergy, priestship, priesthood, clericity; a stipend or allowance given to a priest or clergyman, (cp.) a benefice. যাজনিক a. priestly, clerical; ecclesiastical.

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