Meaning of 'mahat'

a large, vast, extensive; (rare) best; high-minded, noble; excellent, sublime (mahat sahitya); great, monstrous (mahat bhaẏa); elevated, high (mahat pada). compar. mahattara; super. mahattama . mahattba n. (rare) largeness, vastness; high mindedness, nobleness, nobility; excel lence, sublimity; greatness.

Meaning of মহত্

a large, vast, extensive; (rare) best; high-minded, noble; excellent, sublime (মহত্ সাহিত্য); great, monstrous (মহত্ ভয়); elevated, high (মহত্ পদ). compar. মহত্তর; super. মহত্তম । মহত্ত্ব n. (rare) largeness, vastness; high mindedness, nobleness, nobility; excel lence, sublimity; greatness.

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