Meaning of 'abhigama, abhigamana'

n going towards or for ward or near; approaching, accession; approach; approaching for the purpose of sexual intercourse; sexual inter course; going forward (after leaving one's seat) to receive a visitor; obtain ment, receipt; approaching for shelter or refuge; a shelter or refuge. abhigamana kara v. to go towards or forward or near; to approach; to approach for the pur pose of sexual intercourse; to have sexual intercourse with; to (leave one's seat and) go forward to receive a visi tor; to approach for shelters or refuge; to take shelter or refuge in. abhigamya a. approachable for the purpose of taking shelter or refuge in; accessible, ap proachable. abhigamyata n. accessibility.

Meaning of অভিগম, অভিগমন

n going towards or for ward or near; approaching, accession; approach; approaching for the purpose of sexual intercourse; sexual inter course; going forward (after leaving one's seat) to receive a visitor; obtain ment, receipt; approaching for shelter or refuge; a shelter or refuge. অভিগমন করা v. to go towards or forward or near; to approach; to approach for the pur pose of sexual intercourse; to have sexual intercourse with; to (leave one's seat and) go forward to receive a visi tor; to approach for shelters or refuge; to take shelter or refuge in. অভিগম্য a. approachable for the purpose of taking shelter or refuge in; accessible, ap proachable. অভিগম্যতা n. accessibility.

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