Meaning of 'bikyta'

a perverted; corrupted, vitiated; decomposed (bikyta saba); morbid (bikyta mana); deranged; deformed (bikyta anga); disfigured (bikyta cehara); mon strous or revolting (bikyta murti). bikyta kara v. to pervert; to corrupt, to vitiate; to deprave; to decompose; to affect with morbidity; to derange; to disfig ure; to make unnatural (as voice). kantha n. unnatural or affected voice; hoarse voice; gruff voice. □ a. speaking in an unnatural or affected voice (esp. to conceal one's natural voice); speaking in a hoarse or in a gruff voice. caritra a. corrupted or vitiated in character, depraved. buddhi a. perverted in thoughts, evil-minded, wrong-headed. mastiska a. mentally deranged, insane; crazy. ruci a. perverted in taste. □ n. a perverted taste. sbabhaba a. perverted in nature, peevish. sbara same as bikytakantha . bikyti n. perversion; corrup tion, vitiation; decomposition, morbid ity; derangement; deformity; disfigure ment, disfiguration.

Meaning of বিকৃত

a perverted; corrupted, vitiated; decomposed (বিকৃত শব); morbid (বিকৃত মন); deranged; deformed (বিকৃত অঙ্গ); disfigured (বিকৃত চেহারা); mon strous or revolting (বিকৃত মূর্তি). বিকৃত করা v. to pervert; to corrupt, to vitiate; to deprave; to decompose; to affect with morbidity; to derange; to disfig ure; to make unnatural (as voice). ̃কন্ঠ n. unnatural or affected voice; hoarse voice; gruff voice. ☐ a. speaking in an unnatural or affected voice (esp. to conceal one's natural voice); speaking in a hoarse or in a gruff voice. ̃চরিত্র a. corrupted or vitiated in character, depraved. ̃বুদ্ধি a. perverted in thoughts, evil-minded, wrong-headed. ̃মস্তিষ্ক a. mentally deranged, insane; crazy. ̃রুচি a. perverted in taste. ☐ n. a perverted taste. ̃স্বভাব a. perverted in nature, peevish. ̃স্বর same as বিকৃতকন্ঠ । বিকৃতি n. perversion; corrup tion, vitiation; decomposition, morbid ity; derangement; deformity; disfigure ment, disfiguration.

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