Meaning of 'bikasa, bikasana'

n a manifestation; dis play, exhibition; act of cropping up or arising; development; opening or wid ening; blooming. bikasa paoẏa same as bikasita hoẏa (see bikasita). bikasonmukha a. on the point of being manifested or ex hibited; on the point of cropping up or arising; about to arise or develop; on the point of development; on the point of opening or widening or blooming.

Meaning of বিকাশ, বিকাশন

n a manifestation; dis play, exhibition; act of cropping up or arising; development; opening or wid ening; blooming. বিকাশ পাওয়া same as বিকশিত হওয়া (see বিকশিত). বিকাশোন্মুখ a. on the point of being manifested or ex hibited; on the point of cropping up or arising; about to arise or develop; on the point of development; on the point of opening or widening or blooming.

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