Meaning of 'bartamana'

n the present time, the present; current times, modern times; (gr.) the present tense. □ a. present (opp. ab sent); of the present, present; present day, current, modern; now existing or living or alive. bartamana thaka v. to be present; to be existing or living or alive (now). bartamana kala same as bartamana (n.). kalina a. present-day, current; occur ring or being done when one is present or alive. bartamanata, bartamanatba n. presence; existence; state of being alive. bartamane adv. at present; when one is living or alive or present (pita bartamane)..

Meaning of বর্তমান

n the present time, the present; current times, modern times; (gr.) the present tense. ☐ a. present (opp. ab sent); of the present, present; present day, current, modern; now existing or living or alive. বর্তমান থাকা v. to be present; to be existing or living or alive (now). বর্তমান কাল same as বর্তমান (n.). ̃কালীন a. present-day, current; occur ring or being done when one is present or alive. বর্তমানতা, বর্তমানত্ব n. presence; existence; state of being alive. বর্তমানে adv. at present; when one is living or alive or present (পিতা বর্তমানে)..

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