Meaning of 'phula'

v to swell; to be inflated, to dis tend; (fig.) to be puffed up; (fig.) to flourish. □ n. a swelling. □ a. swelled up; inflated. distended. phulano v. to swell; to inflate, to distend; to pout (thon̐ta phulano); (fig.) to puff up; (fig.) to cause to flourish.

Meaning of ফুলা

v to swell; to be inflated, to dis tend; (fig.) to be puffed up; (fig.) to flourish. ☐ n. a swelling. ☐ a. swelled up; inflated. distended. ফুলানো v. to swell; to inflate, to distend; to pout (ঠোঁট ফুলানো); (fig.) to puff up; (fig.) to cause to flourish.

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