Meaning of 'phuta2'

n a bubble or bubbles of liquid caused by boiling; effervescence caused by boiling, boiling state; frying and bursting open as a result of frying. phuta kata v. to gasp for breath (pun̐timacha danaẏa uthe phuta kate); to make an an noying or pungent or sarcastic com ment, to make funny remarks; to poke fun at. phuta dhara v. to effervesce or rise in bubbles as a result of boiling; to burst open as a result of frying.

Meaning of ফুট2

n a bubble or bubbles of liquid caused by boiling; effervescence caused by boiling, boiling state; frying and bursting open as a result of frying. ফুট কাটা v. to gasp for breath (পুঁটিমাছ ডাঙায় উঠে ফুট কাটে); to make an an noying or pungent or sarcastic com ment, to make funny remarks; to poke fun at. ফুট ধরা v. to effervesce or rise in bubbles as a result of boiling; to burst open as a result of frying.

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