Meaning of 'agamya'

a inaccessible; impassable; in comprehensible, beyond the compass or range or reach of (buddhira agamya) gamini fem. of agamyagami, agamya a. fem. one with whom cohabitation or sexual union is prohibited. agamyagamana n. incest. agamyagami a. mas. incestuous. □ n. an incestuous man.

Meaning of অগম্য

a inaccessible; impassable; in comprehensible, beyond the compass or range or reach of (বুদ্ধির অগম্য) ̃গামিনী fem. of অগম্যাগামী, অগম্যা a. fem. one with whom cohabitation or sexual union is prohibited. অগম্যাগমন n. incest. অগম্যাগামী a. mas. incestuous. ☐ n. an incestuous man.

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