Meaning of 'abaccheda'

n cutting off, section; separation; detachment; (usu. temporary) cessa tion; interval; (of books etc.) a chapter or section; a portion, a part, a frag ment; a division; a limit or boundary. ka a. & n. one who or that which cuts off or separates or detaches or divides; causing temporary cessation or inter val; limiting. abacchede adv. in all; on the whole; without exception.

Meaning of অবচ্ছেদ

n cutting off, section; separation; detachment; (usu. temporary) cessa tion; interval; (of books etc.) a chapter or section; a portion, a part, a frag ment; a division; a limit or boundary. ̃ক a. & n. one who or that which cuts off or separates or detaches or divides; causing temporary cessation or inter val; limiting. অবচ্ছেদে adv. in all; on the whole; without exception.

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