Meaning of 'pisaca'

n a necrophagous evil spirit, a ghoul; (fig.) a man of vile or cruel or nauseating or abominable nature. fem. pisaci, (inc.) pisacini . tattba n. demon ology. siddha a. one who has made a ghoul one's slave by means of rigorous ascetic practices. fem. siddha .

Meaning of পিশাচ

n a necrophagous evil spirit, a ghoul; (fig.) a man of vile or cruel or nauseating or abominable nature. fem. পিশাচী, (inc.) পিশাচিনী । ̃তত্ত্ব n. demon ology. ̃সিদ্ধ a. one who has made a ghoul one's slave by means of rigorous ascetic practices. fem. ̃সিদ্ধা ।

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