Meaning of 'pinda'

n a lump; a conglomerated mass; (loos.) anything ball-shaped, a ball; food offering to the manes of forefa thers; a lump of food; the body (as a conglomerated mass of pancabhuta or the five elements). kharjura, (coll.) pinde khejura n. dates preserved in lumps, lump-dates. da, data a. scripturally authorized to give food-offering to the manes; giving food-offering to the manes; providing with food. □ n. such a man. fem. pindada, pindadatri . dana n. the sacrament of food-offering to the manes. pindadana kara v. to offer food to the manes. lopa n. extinction or ab sence of persons or descendants autho rized to offer food to one's manes; ex tinction of one's line of descent. sarira n. the body (as a conglomerated mass of pancabhuta or five elements).

Meaning of পিণ্ড

n a lump; a conglomerated mass; (loos.) anything ball-shaped, a ball; food offering to the manes of forefa thers; a lump of food; the body (as a conglomerated mass of পঞ্চভূত or the five elements). ̃খর্জুর, (coll.) পিণ্ডে খেজুর n. dates preserved in lumps, lump-dates. ̃দ, ̃দাতা a. scripturally authorized to give food-offering to the manes; giving food-offering to the manes; providing with food. ☐ n. such a man. fem. পিণ্ডদা, পিণ্ডদাত্রী । ̃দান n. the sacrament of food-offering to the manes. পিণ্ডদান করা v. to offer food to the manes. ̃লোপ n. extinction or ab sence of persons or descendants autho rized to offer food to one's manes; ex tinction of one's line of descent. ̃শরীর n. the body (as a conglomerated mass of পঞ্চভূত or five elements).

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