Meaning of 'paca'

v to rot, to putrefy, to decompose; (med.) to become septic; (fig.) to be come too old or hackneyed. □ a. rotten, putrefied, decomposed; (med.) that which has become septic; (fig.) too old or hackneyed (paca khabara). paca bhadra (bhaddara) the humid and sweltering month of Bhadra.

Meaning of পচা

v to rot, to putrefy, to decompose; (med.) to become septic; (fig.) to be come too old or hackneyed. ☐ a. rotten, putrefied, decomposed; (med.) that which has become septic; (fig.) too old or hackneyed (পচা খবর). পচা ভাদ্র (ভাদ্দর) the humid and sweltering month of Bhadra.

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