Meaning of 'nara2'

n a human being, man; a male per son, a male. □ a. (chiefly in comp.) male (naraharina). fem. see nari > kankala n. a human skeleton. kapala n. a dead person's skull. kesari n. a lion amongst men; a man of great prowess. khadaka a. man-eating, eating human flesh. □ n. a man-eater; a cannibal. ghataka n. a homicide. □ a. homicidal. ghati a. homicidal. tba n. manhood, humanity; virility. tbaropa n. anthropo morphism. naraẏana n. the two great mythological sages: Nara nara and Narayana (naraẏana) who were born as Arjuna (arjuna) and Krishna (kysna) of the Mahabharata. nari n. men and women. pati n. a king. pasu n. a beast of a man, a brute. pala n. a king. pisaca n. a man with instincts as abominable as those of necrophagous goblins. pungaba n. (fig.) a great man; (lit.) a bull of a man. bara n. the best man; a great man. bali n. immolation of human beings; human sacrifice. byaghra same as narasardula . bhuka a. anthro pophagous, feeding on human flesh, man-eating. narabhuka prani an anthropophagite, a man-eater. bhuka manusa a cannibal. maṃsa n. human flesh (esp. when eaten). maṃsabhojana n. can nibalism. maṃsabhoji a. cannibalistic. □ n. a cannibal. malini n. a woman wearing a necklace or garland of hu man skulls; an appellation of goddess Kali (kali). medha same as narabali . rupi a. having the form or shape of a human being, man-shaped. rupe adv. in the form or shape of a human being. lila n. activities (of a god) in a human ex istence or incarnation. naralila sambarana kara v. (joc. or for.) to die. loka n. the abode of human beings or mortals, the world, the earth. sardula n. a tiger of a man; (fig.) a man of great prowess. srestha n. the greatest or best amongst men. siṃha n. (lit.) a lion of a man; (fig.) a great or valiant man; (myth.) same as nysiṃha . sundara n. a barber; (cp.) a coiffeur (fem. coiffeuse). hatya n. ho micide, murder. narahatya kara v. to commit a murder or homicide, to mur der. hatyakari same as narahanta . hatyaghatita a. homicidal. hanta n. a ho micide, a murderer. fem. hantri a mur deress. hari same as nysiṃha .

Meaning of নর2

n a human being, man; a male per son, a male. ☐ a. (chiefly in comp.) male (নরহরিণ). fem. see নারী > ̃কঙ্কাল n. a human skeleton. ̃কপাল n. a dead person's skull. ̃কেশরী n. a lion amongst men; a man of great prowess. ̃খাদক a. man-eating, eating human flesh. ☐ n. a man-eater; a cannibal. ̃ঘাতক n. a homicide. ☐ a. homicidal. ̃ঘাতী a. homicidal. ̃ত্ব n. manhood, humanity; virility. ̃ত্বারোপ n. anthropo morphism. নারায়ণ n. the two great mythological sages: Nara নর and Narayana (নারায়ণ) who were born as Arjuna (অর্জুন) and Krishna (কৃষ্ণ) of the Mahabharata. ̃নারী n. men and women. ̃পতি n. a king. ̃পশু n. a beast of a man, a brute. ̃পাল n. a king. ̃পিশাচ n. a man with instincts as abominable as those of necrophagous goblins. ̃পুঙ্গব n. (fig.) a great man; (lit.) a bull of a man. ̃বর n. the best man; a great man. ̃বলি n. immolation of human beings; human sacrifice. ̃ব্যাঘ্র same as নরশর্দূল । ̃ভুক a. anthro pophagous, feeding on human flesh, man-eating. নরভুক প্রাণী an anthropophagite, a man-eater. ̃ভুক মানুষ a cannibal. ̃মাংস n. human flesh (esp. when eaten). ̃মাংসভোজন n. can nibalism. ̃মাংসভোজী a. cannibalistic. ☐ n. a cannibal. ̃মালিনী n. a woman wearing a necklace or garland of hu man skulls; an appellation of goddess Kali (কালী). ̃মেধ same as নরবলি । ̃রূপী a. having the form or shape of a human being, man-shaped. ̃রূপে adv. in the form or shape of a human being. ̃লীলা n. activities (of a god) in a human ex istence or incarnation. নরলীলা সংবরণ করা v. (joc. or for.) to die. ̃লোক n. the abode of human beings or mortals, the world, the earth. ̃শার্দূল n. a tiger of a man; (fig.) a man of great prowess. ̃শ্রেষ্ঠ n. the greatest or best amongst men. ̃সিংহ n. (lit.) a lion of a man; (fig.) a great or valiant man; (myth.) same as নৃসিংহ । ̃সুন্দর n. a barber; (cp.) a coiffeur (fem. coiffeuse). ̃হত্যা n. ho micide, murder. নরহত্যা করা v. to commit a murder or homicide, to mur der. ̃হত্যাকারী same as নরহন্তা । ̃হত্যাঘটিত a. homicidal. ̃হন্তা n. a ho micide, a murderer. fem. ̃হন্ত্রী a mur deress. ̃হরি same as নৃসিংহ ।

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