Meaning of 'dbadasa'

a. & n twelve. □ a. twelfth. dbadasi a. fem. twelfth; twelve years old; (of the days of a lunar fortnight) twelfth. □ n. the twelfth day of a lunar fortnight. barsiẏa a. of the age of twelve, aged twelve. barsika a. duodecennial. dbadasika n. (arith.) duodecimal.

Meaning of দ্বাদশ

a. & n twelve. ☐ a. twelfth. দ্বাদশী a. fem. twelfth; twelve years old; (of the days of a lunar fortnight) twelfth. ☐ n. the twelfth day of a lunar fortnight. ̃বর্ষীয় a. of the age of twelve, aged twelve. ̃বার্ষিক a. duodecennial. দ্বাদশিক n. (arith.) duodecimal.

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