Meaning of 'dasa'

n state, condition (durdasa); disposi tion (manera dasa); a phase, a stage (sesa dasa); one of the ten phases of the hu man mind, namely, volition, thought, memory, adoration, worry, delirium, madness, illness, infirmity, death (all collectively called dasadasa); one of the ten stages of human life, namely, stay ing in the womb, birth, infancy, child hood, adolescence and celibacy, youth, old age, decrepitude, the last gasp, and death (all stages collectivly called dasadasa); (astrol.) the planetary influ ence on a person's life (sanira dasa); a Hindu obsequial rite observed on the tenth day of death; any of the ten forms of devotion or charity according to Vaishnavas, namely, audition, glori fication, recollection or enumeration of qualities and graces, worship, adora tion, obeisance or genuflection, atten dance or servitude, friendship or at tachment, self-sacrifice in love, and unification; (religious) trance or rev erie (dasaẏa pad়a). dasaẏa pad়a v. to fall into a state, to run into a condition; to fall into a trance whilst singing or hearing kirtan (kirtana) songs.

Meaning of দশা

n state, condition (দুর্দশা); disposi tion (মনের দশা); a phase, a stage (শেষ দশা); one of the ten phases of the hu man mind, namely, volition, thought, memory, adoration, worry, delirium, madness, illness, infirmity, death (all collectively called দশদশা); one of the ten stages of human life, namely, stay ing in the womb, birth, infancy, child hood, adolescence and celibacy, youth, old age, decrepitude, the last gasp, and death (all stages collectivly called দশদশা); (astrol.) the planetary influ ence on a person's life (শনির দশা); a Hindu obsequial rite observed on the tenth day of death; any of the ten forms of devotion or charity according to Vaishnavas, namely, audition, glori fication, recollection or enumeration of qualities and graces, worship, adora tion, obeisance or genuflection, atten dance or servitude, friendship or at tachment, self-sacrifice in love, and unification; (religious) trance or rev erie (দশায় পড়া). দশায় পড়া v. to fall into a state, to run into a condition; to fall into a trance whilst singing or hearing kirtan (কীর্তন) songs.

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