Meaning of 'dasa'

n ten; (fig.) the people, the public (desa o dasa, dasera kaja); (fig.) several persons united into a body (dase mili kari kaja). □ a. ten; many, several (dasa katha sonana, eka katha dasabara sonano). dasi n. the tenth day of a month. □ a. (of the days of a month) tenth. dasaka n. (arith.) the place of tens; a decade. katha n. many words; much talking; many rude words, much scolding. karma n. the ten Hindu sacraments. karmanbita a. one who takes or has taken the ten Hindu sacraments. kahana n. ten kahans (kahana); many words; much talking; exaggeration; many rude words, much scolding. kiẏa n. a table of numera tion by multiple of ten. kosi, (dial.) kusi n. a measure of kirtan (kirtana) songs. guna a. & adv. ten times. ˜cakra n. a plot or intrigue or bad counsel by ten or many persons. dasacakre bhagabana bhuta (fig.) even a very intelligent man may be discomfited or cornered or pushed to the wall or endangered by the in trigue or bad counsel of the many. talaka n. a decahedron. dasa see dasa . dika see dika . nami n. ten religious communities obeying the doctrines of Shankaracharya. pan̐cisa n. an indoor game like dice played with cowries (kad়i). praharanadharini a. fem. (also used as n.) holding ten weapons esp. in ten hands (an epithet of Goddess Durga). bala see bala . bidha a. of ten kinds or varieties. bidha saṃskara the ten Hindu sacraments. bhuja (ba dasakoni) ksetra n. a decagon. bhuja a. fem. (also used as n.) ten-handed (an epithet of Goddess Durga). dasama a. tenth. mahabidya see mahabidya . dasamaṃsa, dasaṃsa n. a tenth; the tenth part. mabatara n. (kalki) (kalki) the tenth and last incarnation of Vishnu (bisnu). mika a. (arith.) decimal (dasamika bhagnaṃsa). □ n. (arith.) decimal fraction. dasamika paddhati decimal system. dasamika-mudra pratha decimal system of coinage. dasamika mudra pratha calu kara ba hoẏa to go decimal. dasami n. the tenth day of a lunar fort night. mula see mula . ratha n. one whose chariot can fly in all ten directions; Ramachandra's father (in the Ramayana). sata n. & a. thousand. ˜sahasra n. & a. ten thousand, myriad. ˜sala a. decennial. dasasala bandobasta (hist.) the decennial settlement (of land). skandha a. ten-necked. hara n. the tenth day of the lunar fortnight of the month of Jaistha (jyaistha); the date of the descent of the Ganges upon earth; on this date a bath in the Ganges re lieves one of ten kinds of sin. hata n. ten cubits. □ a. measuring ten cubits; (fig.) very much expanded or puffed up (buka phule dasa hata). hati a. measur ing ten cubits; (of cloth) having the standard length (=1 cubits).

Meaning of দশ

n ten; (fig.) the people, the public (দেশ ও দশ, দশের কাজ); (fig.) several persons united into a body (দশে মিলি করি কাজ). ☐ a. ten; many, several (দশ কথা শোনান, এক কথা দশবার শোনানো). দশই n. the tenth day of a month. ☐ a. (of the days of a month) tenth. দশক n. (arith.) the place of tens; a decade. ̃কথা n. many words; much talking; many rude words, much scolding. ̃কর্ম n. the ten Hindu sacraments. ̃কর্মান্বিত a. one who takes or has taken the ten Hindu sacraments. ̃কাহন n. ten kahans (কাহন); many words; much talking; exaggeration; many rude words, much scolding. ̃কিয়া n. a table of numera tion by multiple of ten. ̃কোষী, (dial.) ̃কুশি n. a measure of kirtan (কীর্তন) songs. ̃গুন a. & adv. ten times. ˜চক্র n. a plot or intrigue or bad counsel by ten or many persons. দশচক্রে ভগবান ভূত (fig.) even a very intelligent man may be discomfited or cornered or pushed to the wall or endangered by the in trigue or bad counsel of the many. ̃তলক n. a decahedron. ̃দশা see ̃দশা । ̃দিক see দিক । ̃নামী n. ten religious communities obeying the doctrines of Shankaracharya. ̃পঁচিশ n. an indoor game like dice played with cowries (কড়ি). ̃প্রহরণধারিণী a. fem. (also used as n.) holding ten weapons esp. in ten hands (an epithet of Goddess Durga). ̃বল see বল । ̃বিধ a. of ten kinds or varieties. ̃বিধ সংস্কার the ten Hindu sacraments. ̃ভুজ (বা দশকোণী) ক্ষেত্র n. a decagon. ̃ভুজা a. fem. (also used as n.) ten-handed (an epithet of Goddess Durga). দশম a. tenth. ̃মহাবিদ্যা see মহাবিদ্যা । দশমাংশ, দশাংশ n. a tenth; the tenth part. ̃মাবতার n. (kalki) (কল্কি) the tenth and last incarnation of Vishnu (বিষ্ণু). ̃মিক a. (arith.) decimal (দশমিক ভগ্নাংশ). ☐ n. (arith.) decimal fraction. দশমিক পদ্ধতি decimal system. দশমিক-মুদ্রা প্রথা decimal system of coinage. দশমিক মুদ্রা প্রথা চালু করা বা হওয়া to go decimal. দশমী n. the tenth day of a lunar fort night. ̃মূল see মূল । ̃রথ n. one whose chariot can fly in all ten directions; Ramachandra's father (in the Ramayana). ̃শত n. & a. thousand. ˜সহস্র n. & a. ten thousand, myriad. ˜সালা a. decennial. দশসালা বন্দোবস্ত (hist.) the decennial settlement (of land). ̃স্কন্ধ a. ten-necked. ̃হারা n. the tenth day of the lunar fortnight of the month of Jaistha (জ্যৈষ্ঠ); the date of the descent of the Ganges upon earth; on this date a bath in the Ganges re lieves one of ten kinds of sin. ̃হাত n. ten cubits. ☐ a. measuring ten cubits; (fig.) very much expanded or puffed up (বুক ফুলে দশ হাত). ̃হাতি a. measur ing ten cubits; (of cloth) having the standard length (=1 cubits).

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